Edible Gardening

May Allotment Garden Tour 2023

May is such a beautiful month on the allotment. The foxgloves, lupins, alliums and flowers are all out in bloom! Join me on a tour of my allotment garden to see all the latest developments and watch me plant out my peas with stick supports. I also give my sedum the ‘Chelsea chop’.

Garden with Me in May – https://youtu.be/Lj1Dwfi92Ak
Planting Dahlias 2021 – https://youtu.be/rCkyR884dgE
Dahlia Varieties 2023 – https://youtu.be/sIbZuFvEhVY

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‘Fractal of Light’ by Chris Haugen & ‘Where I am From’ by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena. All licensed under Creative Commons.


  1. Halo Katrina one of my faves are the foxgloves I only have seedlings from last year this year unless they grow up pretty quickly. I have a lot of aqualigia which are beautiful. Yes it’s very cold in evenings and during the night and everything growing so slowly apart from my early potatoes we harvested our first lot yesterday. You have 45 dahlias I have 3 and only 2 have shoots so I don’t think the other one will have any now. It’s my first time of growing them aswell. I tried straw flowers but didn’t germinate will have another go next year. I have lots of cosmos and some peonies which are amazing and Siberian irises lots of veg in ground too peas beans brassicas beetroot anc salad leaves and herbs. Quite a lot of things really. My sister and 2 of her daughters are florists and my sister grew flowers and sent to Covent Garden years ago even I grew statice and sent there too. Years ago you could make good money but was hard work. My sister made dried flower arrangements from the helichrysum and statice in baskets hearts rings etc. they last for a very long time. I can’t wait for your wedding and to see all your flowers. Autumn is my fave time of year I love all those reds oranges yellows and burnt orangey browns. The trees in autumn are magnificent. Anyway we still have summer to come yet. 🥲so sorry about your fish I bet it was a heron they love ponds in gardens. And their beaks are long and thin especially for picking out fish. Take care see you next time🙋🏻

  2. Lovely garden you have! Those showy foxglove and allium are wonderful things. Here spring has been fairly kind. Warmth for the fruit blossoms and enough rain recently to keep things growing at an astonishing rate. I've got 120 dahlias in the ground, up and growing, along with all my other flowers, like lupins and peonies. As well a good amount of vegetable that I hope to eat. Best of luck with all your flowers and plants. My fairly large garden is always a space where there is work to be done. I do try to take some time though, like you, to just enjoy all those spectacular and beautiful plants growing here at least once a day. Cheers for gardening and gardeners!

  3. I feel for you, I'm also having an aphid problem. My Czar plum looks like a Savoy cabbage right now. There's virtually no normal leaves, and they're now starting on the Victoria Plum. Last year ladybird larvae made short work of the aphids on my green gage but that was July. I've only seen one ladybird this year and the problem needs taking care of now! I've had to resort to ordering some larvae to sort it out ASAP. The leaves on the Czar are a lost cause this year but there's no shortage of fruit 😁

  4. Hi Katrina , thanks for the inspirational l tour .
    The lemon tree reminded me of that old song from the sixties by Peter, Paul and Mary . " Lemon tree ,very pretty , and the lemon flower is sweet. But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat ."
    Now I can't get it out of my head and its all your fault.

  5. I was just sitting here wondering if you knew every single plant in your plot and how much you don't know you have!! LOL!! But then there's "always room for more"!! LOL!!

  6. Echo the comments re temperature. I am just out side Nottingham on the SE side and it was 4.5 C in my polytunnel last night. Thankfully greenhouse is 3-4 degrees warmer. I had to move peppers and chillis out of the house a week ago and they are sulking! Agree re weeds going bonkers, sticky goose grass, white bryony and blue alkanet plus nettles all in supercharged growth. Dratted stuff.

  7. Your allotment is looking great. This year I have a good crop of weeds. With the occasional flower coming up !!!. Still the bees are enjoying them.. 😀

  8. Sorry to learn of the loss of your mosquito fish. Gardening is often a series of experiments, and it appears that despite your sincere efforts to nurture them, Mother Nature decided to intervene. I'm reminded of the quote from British scientist Richard Dawkins: "Nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent".

  9. Your allotment is looking amazing. I have a little question about the Chelsea chop. I have a sedum telephium seduction hot rose, does the variety affect the success of the Chelsea chop? It has grown out like a bowl, so stems in a circle but with a hollow centre where you can see right down to the base of the plant. By doing the Chelsea chop will it encourage it to bush out to make it more full looking? Thanks

  10. Your spring foxgloves are always spectacular but they are stunnning this year. I would just want to sit out there and see them all day. I'm so jealous how yours re-seed… mine never want to so I'm constantly planting new ones!

  11. So sorry abyour fish! 😢 Maybe somewhat of a cage top (similar to strawberry beds) would not allow anything to reach the water

  12. what a difference a few hours of sunlight make. i'm well south of Nottingham, thought I had a pretty well sunlit garden but my plants are no where near as advanced as the plants shown here.
    Well that knocks my theory that green sheeted greenhouse filter out beneficial spectrum of light.

  13. Foxgloves dry really well if you want to save some for your wedding 😊 I harvest them when they start to go to seed but are still green. They are amazing for adding structure to floral arrangements

  14. Peas are looking much better then mine, think I need to invest in some root training trays, fox gloves are also my favorite too, your garden plants and beautiful and green..good video tour and tips

  15. Think we need some appreciation for those lovely leather boots you wear at the allotment.

  16. Love your channel!!! I am in Arkansas…it's supposed to be 90 degrees Fahrenheit today, partly cloudy, but it's not too humid this year so far. My tomato plants are doing really well, and the sweet potatoes. I am new to this gardening thing, and my girls (twin daughters) and I are really having fun with it. So far…no pests yet! Yay! We also have a pumpkin plant which we planted in February, I think it was, which is so HUGE!!! It is from a stray pumpkin seed that missed getting toasted with butter and salt last October. I put it away into the cupboard with plans to plant it. Wow! It has big, beautiful blooms on it now!

  17. Gorgeous Garden ,I heard You can make a Pesto with the sticky weed and is so good for You! I can almost smell the Roses x While I love living IN the WOODS , when I see Your Garden I just want to have some land with Sunshine …thank You for letting me Dream …one day we will get a piece of land x ps I wonder what those Brick Flowers look like …will keep an eye out for the next video LOL x We are in New Zealand and has been a very wet few months so it is such a treat to see Your allotment and Granny's border so lovely indeed x

  18. Foxgloves were the first flower to grab my interest as a child, always a favourite 🤩 ❤

  19. Everything looks so beautiful and lush. I'm so sorry about your fish. Our solution to birds and cats liking our fish, is to securely fasten small guage chicken wire around the whole tub [they're in a concrete laundry tub.] We did lose one to a fishy illness, but havn't had the pond predated since and plants actually grow up though the holes in the mesh, and I even sit bromeliads on a corner of it.

  20. Hi I ask you lots of people saying foxglove is very bad when you teched that gives you Hart problem but I don't no way thanks anyway 🎉 and injoy you beautiful garden

  21. Soon everything Will be full of life! May has so much pertental, its been so try this year, im sure the wild life are very thankful to have the wildlife pond!

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