Front Yard Garden

Decades of growth – part 7. Plus sneak peak into the front yard 😁

G’day everyone. Happy Saturday! It’s that time of the week again…time for another satisfying video.

Now that all the path has been revealed in this garden, it’s time to clear the garden beds. After having a word with the owner, he has requested that aside from the large trees, he would like everything to be cleared and once the yard is finished he will purchase some new plants himself. I don’t know about you but I’m excited to see this backyard brought back to its full potential.

As I mention at the start of my video, if you hang around to the end of this one I will show you a sneak peak of the front yard. Here I will show you the work that has been done already and what is still remaining to do…hold on to your hats!

I occasionally get asked about how I am able to provide my services free of charge for this clean up. The answer is two fold. The main sources of revenue is through YouTube advertising. Watching the video in its entirety and leaving me a comment will help promote my channel to a wider audience, promote its growth and help my mission even further.

The other way is through the “buy me a coffee” page I have just created. The link to the page is below. There is no sign-up required and you are under no obligation to do so but any revenue raised this way will also be put right back into these types of clean-ups.

I hope you are enjoying this series as there is still a heap of work to be done so there will be much more content headed your way.

Thank you for watching and have a great day/night.


  1. You make the work look fairly easy, but I can't imagine how many wheelbarrow loads you haul away and how tired you are at the end of each session. Outstanding work!!!

  2. Wandering Dew is a bad plant for Dogs it can irritate their skin easily so it’s best to get rid of it all . Well done it’s looking amazing

  3. The background is starting to look great. I’m glad you took down the tree. Love the two large trees and green light. You are awesome for helping this family. I wished I was there helping. I love working in my yard. 😊

  4. Amazing progress – I'm sure each session seems to blur with the next, but I make this at least Part 8?! Great really that they're going back to a clean slate and starting again, makes it more satisfying to see it all get fully cleared out.

  5. I started watching you several videos into this clean up. I was hooked. Your work is exceptional! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to what you do. Keep up the good work!

  6. Yay your wearing gloves. Love watching these videos. Its looking great and you can start to see how the garden once was. ❀

  7. Great job today as always, Ryan! I hope your sore back improves rapidly. What kind of trees are those 2 immense white trunked ones in that back corner of the yard? I’ve never seen trees like that before. ( I’m in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦)

  8. This project is literally β€œEPIC”. Great job & please take care of your back. 😊😊

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