Garden Plans

How to Plan a Low Maintenance Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here:
If you think a low-maintenance garden means bland or, worse still, paved over and bereft of plants, think again!

Growing a garden that’s easy to look after simply requires a little forward planning.

In this short video we share ideas for growing a beautiful, productive garden that can be cared for with the minimum of time and effort.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here:

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at


  1. i hate mowing the grass so decided to mulch the whole freakin area between my raised beds 😀 noooo more mowing!!!! :-DDD

  2. Would love the garden planner… When do you anticipate it being available for Android phones (no Adobe Flash)?

  3. Excellent video. This one had a multitude of good ideas for a low effort garden. Going perineal is my best effort for a low maintenance garden. Thanks for your info.

  4. THANKS : if not for your inspiring videos, we wouldnt have such a good handle on our crops already for this year. You are truely motivating, and love your videos. Getting ready to transplant peppers and tomato seedlings from trays into 4" pots out from under lights and into the greenhouse they will go, well ahead of season. By the time they are ready to harden off, we will have saved so much $ by not needing to buy all our starts. Even have extra for friends.

  5. Hi, I have an 8×6 greenhouse and have purchased some shading for one side but I'm thinking will I need it for both sides of greenhouse as my Tomato plants will be on both sides.

  6. This is great, and for those of you who haven't gotten the Garden Planner, DO IT! AMAZING!

    Next, for lawns, might consider a few chickens. Yep, raise them little and they're your best friends! Eggs, fertilizer, a bit of tilling, bug control, rodent control, and they LOVE GRASS! For your garden, you'll need to consider a bit of protection.

  7. Always enjoy your videos – you've got a good helper there too, bright as sunshine.

  8. Hi Ryan, I just want to thank you so much [ Check Details Here=> ]! Your plan has saved me much money for buying a pre-built kit from the local market. I am always amazed at the easy way the guidelines takes one through. A great product!

  9. Hm. As a newly widowed older person, I was more thinking in terms of Astroturf! I never got closer to the garden than looking out of the window at it. I think it is a 'NO maintenance' garden I'm after.

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