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# Gardening Tools and Their uses #


Names of Garden Tools with Examples


A snake slithered across the grass.


The water drained out of the flowerpot through the hole in the bottom.


A man used to wielding an axe fought best on foot.

Gardening gloves :

I put on my gardening gloves and dig in the soil.

Rake :

 It is his duty to rake the ashes out of the stove.

Gardening fork/ Digging fork

One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot.

# Wheelie bin (U.K) – recycling bin (U.S)

We put our wheelie bin out to be emptied every Thursday morning.

Garden hose :

Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.

Boots :

Rubber boots are impervious to water.

Watering can :

The watering can was gritty metal with an ugly snub spout.

Pruners/pruning shears :

An old gardener was upon the lawn, with a pair of pruning shears, looking after some bushes.

Pruning saw :

He had a chain saw and loppers. I brought along gloves and a curved pruning saw.

Garden trowel :

 With my spade and trowel, I’ll dig his grave.

Seeds :

The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.

Lawn mower :

We need a lawn mower to cut the grass.

Wheelbarrow :

She trundled the wheelbarrow down the garden.

Fertilizer :

The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in.

Hoe :

I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes.

Earthworm :

That chick pecks out an earthworm from the earth.

Apron :

She tied an apron around her waist.

Scythe :

He’s cutting grass with a scythe.

Scissors :

She took a pair of scissors and cut the string.

Bucket :

He filled the bucket with water.

Shed :

I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.

Ladder :

She placed the ladder under the window.

Spade :

There was a garden spade in the shed.

Sickle :

She bought herself a hoe and a sickle.

Pitchfork :

She jerked upwards with the pitchfork.

Shovel :

She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel.

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