
@houseplantjournal: #whatshangingwednesday – here’s my “Hoya Taco”: 2️⃣ When I picked up this cute l…

#whatshangingwednesday – here’s my “Hoya Taco”:
2️⃣ When I picked up this cute little Hoya mathilde from @crystalstarnursery, the guy said these seem to grow better in pure sphagnum moss. This got me to consider mounting it. I had been buying lots of home-type stuff for my recent move and I had my eye on these sink-mounted sponge holders – now I had an excuse to buy another one!
3️⃣ Sphagnum moss should be a beige to light brown color and have a fluffy texture. Do NOT use the sheet moss you’d find at craft stores – it’s not the same and won’t work as a planting medium
4️⃣ As with all repotting operations, you should gently loosen the root ball.
5️⃣ Lay down some sphagnum moss along the base of the “planter”; position the plant, then pack it down with more sphagnum moss
6️⃣ All done! The reason sphagnum moss is used for mounting and kokedama is because it can function as a planting medium (wet/dry cycle) while keeping itself held together (as opposed to regular soil, which is loose and would crumble apart unless contained). Thanks to @houseplantgal for lending me your sink!
7️⃣ Growth after 2 months
8️⃣ Where it actually lives and has grown for the past 2 months: this is the most important photo! Given that it lives in the right place, getting the right light, I can run the plant under the tap whenever I feel the moss is completely dry. This occurs about once a week. Short-unhelpful answer: water once a week.
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #urbanjunglebloggers #houseplantclub #plantdad #plantobsession #plantparenthood #greenthumb #foliage #hoya #hoyamathilde

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