@California Gardening

California Gardening: Unbelievable Garden Transformation: One Man’s Spring Harvest in May 2023!

Spring vegetable garden harvests in the month of May! Spring has arrived! In today’s episode, we show you our spring garden and how easy it is to do spring gardening. All our gardening is done organically, we have an organic garden and we do not use any garden pesticides.

Our vegetable garden is full of harvests of vegetables and fruits. This month we harvested the following fruits and vegetables from our vegetable garden: beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cilantro, cluster beans (gawar), kale, lettuce, loquats, mulberries, potatoes, strawberries, and swiss chard. We grow all American fruits and vegetables as well as Indian and Asian fruits and vegetables in our home garden in Irvine, California. We are in Irvine, California USDA Zone 10 for gardening

We also do a complete tour of the California garden, show you some tips and tricks to become a better gardener. Whether you are a beginner gardener or an expert gardener, our organic gardening tips will make you a better gardener. In our To-Do section we show you how fertilize your garden using AgroThrive fertilizers!

We review the Quictent Walk-In Greenhouse as well!

Quictent Greenhouse: https://bit.ly/3oqNVJs
Bootstrap Farmer products: https://collabs.shop/7fk5xv
GreenStalk Planter: http://lddy.no/mu97 Coupon Code cag for $10 off $75
VermisTerra Shop: https:VermisTerra.com Coupon Code cag for 10% off + free shipping

Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CaliforniaGardening
Web Site: http://calgardening.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/california.gardening
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/california_gardening
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CalifGardening
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/CaliforniaGardening
Amazon Garden shop online: https://amzn.to/32sZIt9

Please note that we make commissions from products like VermisTerra, GreenStalk and Amazon links shown here, you too get a discount on the purchase, so it mutually benefits us! Thank you for your continued support! #quictent #quictentgreenhouse #quictentwalkingreenhouse

00:00 Introduction
00:20 Harvests
03:28 Garden Tour
21:47 Things To Do
23:41 Gardening Products


  1. Any tips to fruit loquats? We have a 3 year old loquat tree and still no fruits. The leaves are growing nicely and look healthy. Thanks

  2. Somehow I lost you on youtube and found again today! yay! your videos are very informative

  3. What time is dinner? Your gardening skills remind me of my asawa's Tatay? He could make anything grow, but his passion was orchids. They were everywhere around his home in Cebu. Every time I see an orchid, I think of Anastacio Pochadez. Salamat po!

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