Garden Plans

Hydrating and Planting Out A New Garden Bed





  1. Very educational, thanks! How often do you apply the superfood and black grit? Watching in Bendigo.

  2. I don’t get the apprehension. What’s wrong now with tilling garden beds in order to aid in air and water penetration prior to planting.

  3. I hope you will do a further video with that hydrophobic garden bed & go into more detail how to fix the soil, I know from experience that just adding compost, planting mix etc on top does not properly fix the issue.
    Some time ago I had the exact same issue, hydrophobic soil. The whole garden bed would refuse any water. The whole bed had become completely hydrophobic where under the surface had become basically dust with the coco pith & mulch etc.
    I learned that the water would want run straight to the edges of the garden bed & go down before it could soak in, as the hydrophobic soil develops a wax like coating repelling the water. I even tried digging & turning over the soil, but the soil was till hydrophobic.

    In the end & to rectify the problem I had to heavily water the garden bed with watering cans with & a couple of tablespoons of Morning Fresh dish washing liquid mixed in water & apply, wait 5 or so minutes & then used a hand cultivator to dig down & turn over the soil. Having done all this, I had fixed the hydrophobic soil & water was going down perfectly. The next day I top dressed the garden beds & mixed it through. That was the end of hydrophobic soil.

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