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Board Game Smorgasbord – Critical Mass Market

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Today’s episode of BGB is brought to you by Bezier Games, publisher of Cat in the Box Deluxe Edition! Cat in the Box Deluxe Edition is the new trick taking game of the summer based on Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment – can you succeed in not creating a paradox?!

We’re giving away one copy of Cat in the Box. This giveaway is available to anyone in the USA. To enter the giveaway, sponsored by Bezier, please send an email to contest@dicetower.com. In the subject type FELINE. In the body, include your name and answer the following question. “Which card shows the cat that is winking?” Entries will be accepted until 5/3/23 at 12:00 AM ET
Official contest rules: http://bit.ly/DT_giveaway_rules

Check if you won the giveaway – https://www.dicetower.com/contests and don’t forget to check your inbox and spam folders!

Check out Great Tables, Games, & Bags at: https://www.boardgametables.com

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  1. Gloomhaven was one of our first games when we got into the hobby and I had no problem to read and understand the rules. If you can read, you can understand any game if you really want to. I think a lot of people often underestimate new gamers. If something like Ticket to Ride would have been my gateway game, I wouldn't be in the hobby today.

  2. Any dates for the Shipwrights Redux and the Explorers collectors box? I need both in my collection

  3. If I asked for a fruit, and you gave me an Avacado, you're a jerk.

    The whole "Tomatoes and Avocados are fruit" stuff is just sophistry pushed by people who're part of the "Um ahktually a Hotdog is a sandwich" 🤓 crowd. Terms aren't just their technical definitions. It's what they MEAN to the average person. And the average person does NOT mean Tomato and Avacado.

  4. I'd have to drive at least 2 towns away to get to either a LGS or a Barnes and Noble, so I'm thankful that Wal-Mart is an option for some things. It's good that Target has them, too, but even Target is one town away.

  5. Easy way to remember what is a fruit and what is a vegetable: fruits are where the seeds are. If it is any other part of the plant: leaf, stem, root, etc… then it is a vegetable. It being sweet or not doesn't decide if it is a fruit.

  6. Watermelon makes my top fruit list. 🍉 Aside from dealing with the seeds watermelon is great!

    I think my most eaten fruit though is lemons because even though I don't just eat raw lemons I use them for lemon juice all the time. And it's dead simple to make a glass homemade lemonade on the spot in about 4 minutes on the stovetop. (Combine one cup water, 1/4 cup sugar, and the juice of one lemon. Warm and stir until the sugar fully incorporates, then pour the mixture over ice and it's good to go!)

    And the other fruit I eaten a lot is granny smith apples, specifically I love making Brown Betty with granny smith apples, usually also mixed with bosc pears and sometimes a handful of cranraisins for some extra tartness. So good!😋

  7. This video was the first time I've ever heard someone say "An avocado is a vegetable." Just… what? Also, what does it mean to be "functionally a vegetable?"

  8. I think the mass market discussion brings up an interesting issue. You were talking about stores not organising games in terms of "heavy" vs. "light", bit because of the curse of knowledge effect, we forget that even these most basic terms are meaningless to someone not familiar with the topic. I recently overheard an interaction in a gane store which was similar to what you mentioned – someone buying a game as a gift for someone else, but they didn't know much about games. The shop assistant's first question was "Ok, how heavy a game are you looking for?", to which the shopper responded "Errrr, I don't know know exactly – I suppose less than a kilogram?". The idea of "weight" in games is metaphorical and this language is not immediately obvious to outsiders. We need to work from a position of never assuming knowledge, no matter how obvious it might seem to us.

  9. "as a heel…" Since when is @DiceTowerBryan a heel? You're basically face Brock. Show up every once in a while, wreck some havok, make people laugh, beat everyone, then take off for a couple months until there is a big event again 😅

  10. “Terraforming Mars and games with spirits are not nature games!”

    One week later…

    “Avacado is technically a fruit.”

  11. My Barnes & Nobles does a fairly decent job of keeping similar style games grouped together. They've also started to include employee picks, which is nice to see.

  12. I love pineapple but I don't like the week of canker sores I get afterwards.

    My favourite fruit is lemon, in the form of a pie, with meringue on top

  13. Zee, lol yes, most fruits evolved specifically to be eaten. 🤣 Check out the role extinct megafauna had on the spread of different fruits in the Americas (like the paw paw or the avocado!) Google 'anachronistic fruits and the ghosts who haunt them' for a cool article!

  14. How to tell the difference between fruits and vegetables: If it tastes great, it's a fruit, if it doesn't, it's a vegetable.

  15. Culinary definitions vs botanical definitions of fruits & vegetables… most items generally considered vegetables for culinary purposes are botanically vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados 🧐).
    Humans generally communicate with culinary definitions of fruits & vegetables. Sorry Camilla 🤷‍♀️

  16. I love avocados, but yup, they do not belong in a fruit salad. On the flip side, I do not ever want to pair tomatoes and cilantro with any other fruity fruits (and yeah, let's not get started on tomatoes)

  17. I’ve literally never heard someone call an avocado a fruit for this type of conversation. That’s fine if you want to be cLeVeR but don’t act like it’s a normal pick 😂

  18. Love all those fruit. But, there is one fruit that, when I can get it, trumps all others. Quenepas (Puerto Rico). Mamonsillo (Cuba). Gueneps (Jamaica). I miss living in Miami. 🙄🙃

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