Garden Design

Topsy Turvy Planter | Simple Garden Design Ideas

A topsy turvy planter, also known as an upside-down planter, is a creative and space-saving way to grow plants. It involves hanging a planter upside down, allowing plants to grow downward from the bottom of the planter. Here’s how you can create a topsy turvy planter:

Materials needed:

Large plastic or ceramic planter with drainage holes
Potting soil
Plants suitable for hanging, such as tomatoes, strawberries, or herbs
Strong hooks or sturdy hanging mechanism
Watering can or drip irrigation system (optional)

Choose a suitable planter: Select a large, sturdy planter with drainage holes at the bottom. Ensure that it is strong enough to support the weight of the soil, plants, and water.

Prepare the planter: Fill the planter with potting soil, leaving a few inches of space at the top. Make sure the soil is well-draining and suitable for the plants you intend to grow.

Plant selection and positioning: Choose plants that are well-suited for hanging, such as trailing tomatoes, strawberries, or herbs like basil or oregano. Place the plants in the planter, positioning them near the drainage holes and gently spreading their roots.

Secure the plants: Add more potting soil around the plants, firmly pressing it to ensure they are well-rooted and secure. The plants should be able to hold themselves in place when the planter is turned upside down.

Hanging the planter: Install strong hooks or a sturdy hanging mechanism in a suitable location, ensuring it can support the weight of the planter and plants. Hang the planter securely, making sure it is balanced and stable.

Watering and maintenance: Water the planter thoroughly, allowing the excess water to drain out of the bottom. Check the moisture level regularly and water as needed. You may also consider using a drip irrigation system to ensure consistent watering.

Care and pruning: Monitor the growth of the plants and adjust them as necessary to ensure they are growing downward. Prune any excess foliage or branches to maintain the desired shape and encourage healthy growth.

Sunlight requirements: Place the topsy turvy planter in a location that receives adequate sunlight for the specific plants you have chosen. Most plants require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Remember to consider the weight and size of the planter when choosing the hanging mechanism. Also, keep in mind that watering may require a bit of adjustment as the water will flow through the planter differently compared to traditional planters. Regularly check the moisture level to avoid overwatering or underwatering.

Creating a topsy turvy planter can be a fun and unique way to grow plants, especially in smaller spaces or when you want to add an interesting visual element to your garden or patio.

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