
@gardendesignmag: Always wondering what your watering routine should be in the garden? Here are a …

Always wondering what your watering routine should be in the garden? Here are a few tips your plants will thank you for:
– Watering Can. If you’ve only got a few container plants or a very small garden, a good old-fashioned watering can can do the trick. Watering cans allow you to place water at the base of the plants to keep the foliage dry, or to water from the top to give plants a gentle rinse. They also come in handy for watering indoor plants.
– What is your average rainfall? Adjustments for rainfall can happen daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally. If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where Mother Nature takes care of some of the watering for you, make sure you have a watering system that lets you adjust accordingly.
With drought and water conservation becoming the new normal in many areas, homeowners are trying to get the most out of every drop. Water collection systems provide homeowners a way to save both water and money.
– What is your soil composition? Sandy, clay, rich, rocky — all play a part in how well water is absorbed and eventually drained from an area. Photo by David Prahl / Shutterstock
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