Vegetable Gardening

Patty Pan Squash! Delightful surprise.

This patty pan squash is absolutely beautiful. I cannot wait to fry some up for Pop! Wanted to give you all an update on the garden and what it looks like mid May.


  1. My mother always looks for white squash in the spring at the farmer’s market. She stuffs them, and they are delicious.

  2. You are a ray of sunshine. πŸ’• I enjoy your thoughtful contemplation and prayer. I'm also growing patty pan. They are producing like crazy. I give all thanks to my Lord for my bounty! All the rain has been hard on my garden, but it will pull through. My Porter and Celebrity tomatoes and all my greens are thriving. Yay! Some of my corn and all of my okra took a big hit! Last year I was picking okra by May 20th…this year my okra is 5" tall. πŸ˜” Too much rain and cool temps I guess. No worries, I'll just plant more. 😊Hope the bad weather forecast is wrong, and everyone stays safe. Have a great and blessed day

  3. Very beautiful Jill. Mike is off today and working in the yard. Everything looks wonderful. Our garden is a blessing this year. When he's done he will watch your video's. We are praying for you and your family and look forward to one day getting together for a visit. Blessings, Rochelle

  4. Oh sweet sensations. It's light to my eyes to see your abundance that God has provided. Early white is another name for that squash. I love them !
    May God bless you both πŸ™πŸ»

  5. Patty Pan is my husband's favorite squash. We love to slice them and put on the grill as well as frying them. Awesome garden!!!

  6. So enjoy following along with you and your lovely spirit! Would you please show us the tops of the t-stakes? Interested in how you built the trellises. ❀

  7. I love this community of members with precious like faith. β€πŸ™ from your neighbors in Coryell county.

  8. β€β€β€β€πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  9. All I can say to this whole video is.. AMEN sister, AMEN! 😊😊😁😁

  10. Everything is looking great! I too, am thankful for the weather and rain. My garden has exploded as well. Abundance of carrots and strawberries so far this year. Will continue to pray for our harvest and families.

  11. Jill. You have shared your email in past videos but I cannot find it. I have a question I’d like to ask off social media. Can you share how I might be able to that? Please.

  12. Gorgeous Jill….those plants. I think your high tunnels should be called fitness centers. You guys really get a workout in 'em. But look at all the rewards. Stay cool….Jesus bless.

  13. So good to see your garden doing so well! Challenges aside, you have some good stuff going on. 😊 I’m blessed to be able to get crates to garden in this season and more in the future too. This year is less of a harvest to eat and more of a be able to preserve some seeds/plants for the future year for me.

  14. Purple hull peas are my favorite! With fresh tomatoes cutup on top. Along with mac&cheese, pork chops, and cornbread πŸ˜‹

  15. Ms Jill your garden looks great! I’m amazed how early some of the plants are producing! Yes Ma’am the Lord is wonderful and watching over all of us! Love squash in almost any variety. Thanks for the garden tour. Hope that the weather stays fair for you guys this evening. God bless!

  16. I'll be surprised if y'all can walk down the pathways in those high tunnels with the growth you're having. A great "problem" to have indeed!!

  17. Beautiful garden!! My german mother in law would have loved to see that squash. Now that our rock is removed we can start preparing that land for expanded garden next year. We are planting oats for a cover crop and maybe our squash to. We I am guessing have about 40 tiny tomatoes now and several cherry on the vine coming. A couple of beans that i have to replant more of. You are going to have such a wonderful harvest!! The Lord answered my prayers that my fight with the spider mites that he would protect my garden and I don't see too much damage Thanks to our Good Lord!! I pulled some weeds gave a light watering in case we don't get rain tonight. Amen to all you said.

  18. Harvested my first straight-neck squash today and there's more on the vine. Your beans and peas look great! Mine are struggling in the greenhouse, so I'll replant outside. Blessings!

  19. I’m so thrilled that we are all having a really nice spring and early summer here in North Texas, Jill. Your garden is looking amazing! Mine is looking great so far despite having a late start due to having to put new beds in and getting them filled with soil. I’m finding a lot of bug damage on my peppers especially and some on my squash. Tomorrow I break out the B. T. And insect nets ! Love you girl! Have a great weekend!

  20. Since i received my denali pressure cooker i can over 60 pints of carrots, jam, etc etc i want to do the 365 day challenge for ne t year ❀❀❀

  21. I love the patty pan squash I got 6 plants one has finally got female on it and it's raining so much I can't get out there to pollinate it πŸ˜…. It's a sweeter tasting squash compared to zucchini. My dad was German and Italian. His momma would cook a lot of German meals . She past about a year before I was born so I never got to learn her recipes the way my mom did . Your garden is so beautiful

  22. Those patty pan squash are beautiful. I haven't had those in years. Tried to grow some but they flopped the first time. Haven't tried again yet,
    but yours look fantastic.

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