Container Gardening

Healthy Soil: How to Replenish Your Container Garden Soil in 4 Steps

Nourish & replenish your grow bags & pots in 4 simple steps! 🌿🌻

1️⃣ Dump soil on a tarp (we want to remix any risen perlite)
2️⃣ Stir it up and give it a good mix
3️⃣ Refill your containers/pots with the new mix
4️⃣ Add 2-3 inches of compost to the top layer and mix that in too

Perlite rises to the top of soil mixes due to them being lightweight. When the soil is watered, the perlite will naturally rise to the top layer. You can just mix it in as is, but we’d recommend dumping it onto a tarp or any flat surface since it’ll make it easier to mix.

#organicgardening #growyourownfood #humanswhogrowfood #vegetablegarden #gardeninglife

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