Gardening Supplies

Planting Dahlias in the Flower Field! :: Cut Flower Gardening Zone 9B

Welcome Gardeners! Join me today for planting up some dahlias in the flower field! I told myself I wasn’t going to go crazy with dahlias this year, but here I am with 12 different varieties! 😆 I don’t know what it is about dahlias… they are irresistible! 🌸 Enjoy!

“Let us live like flowers, wild and beautiful and drenched in sun.” -Ellen Everett


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Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

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#dahlias, #cutflowergarden, #zone9b


  1. You have inspired me! This weekend I am determined to plant the rest of my dahlias!! I went crazy this year and I am afraid to even count how many I bought!! All on sale, of course. And don’t feel bad…the first year I tried to grow dahlias I drowned them ALL. Not one came up.

  2. I really worry about you being out in that field alone. Have you thought of making a couple of round planting a reas maybe around some a boxwood tree in your front grass area. Think about t it. Do you really need a ll of that front grass. Maybe a large fountain or planter with plants a round it in the front grass. More room and vertical plant some small plants you have so you c an add more flowers. Just some ideals to think on. You seem so alone out In that field.😮

  3. Nice to see you getting some things planted out there! Some of those Dahila's get huge! You may need bigger stakes.

  4. I have kelsey annie joy too. I planted tubers 2 yrs ago, first time I'd done that, I bought 13 from the place you hear the most about, 8 were not what I ordered. Of course you don't know that for weeks til they bloom, it was very disappointing. I'm in 7b and left them the first yr, some didn't make it, the ones that did were not as nice the second yr, I lifted all last autumn, they're ready to go now, fingers crossed they all bloom beautifully. You guys have a wonderful weekend.

  5. It’s zone 8 or higher for dahlias. You can also leave them in the ground if you tuck them in really well to protect the soil from freezing around them.

  6. Hi Janey 🌺. Wonderful color of dahlias they will be amazing also tree dahlia it will be very nice in your garden . Have awonderful day. 🌺🌻🌺

  7. I’m here in the south of the uk and in march I potted up my dahlias and put them in the greenhouse. Pre-sprout them and you won’t be disappointed. I have a good 4 to 6 inches of growth on each dahlia and they are set to go in the ground tomorrow.

  8. I'm in zone 7b and I leave my dahlias in my raised beds and the ground and they come back. I just threw a bunch of leaf and grass clippings over the ones in the raised beds and they all came back. Can't wait to see yours!

  9. I am growing dahlias from seed for the second time this year. Last year I think I overwatered last year also. This year mine are looking fantastic and I can’t wait to see what they look like. Seeds are like children no two are the same. I can’t wait to see all of the varieties you have chosen. Have a great day.

  10. I planted the Imperialis dahlia tree on 3/5/23 and it is already 3 feet tall. I can't wait to see it bloom. First time growing this one.

  11. I have bought so many Dahlias with the necks broken on them. Some are even rotten or dried up! I hope yours grow this year!

  12. Thank you for the info on dahlias. I don't have much luck with dahlias….I think maybe too hot in my area? or too much water? You've inspired me to try again. 🤞🥀M

  13. I bought some this year at Costco all of them are growing beautifully. Some are about 3” of green leaves already. 🌹

  14. I was the same… I failed my first year growing dahlias (last year) and I wasn’t going to buy any more. Well…. just like you, I bought more this year and so far they are doing great. As well as all of my dahlia plant starts from seeds are thriving. For all of my ‘high desert’ gardeners… afternoon shade was the critical piece that I missed last year. 🌞

  15. The flowers will be amazing, no worries!!! I planted the same ones from Costco, I’m on zone 9 in Texas and they bloom in less than a month! They are just beautiful! Love your channel!!!❤

  16. So happy to see that all is not lost with your cut flower bed! I wish I could make it out to Redding tomorrow to hang out but I’ve got conflicting plans. However, I’d LOVE to catch up sometime! 😊Best of luck!

  17. I made the same mistake last year!
    It’s so hard when our soil is so so so dry. It was a lot more work, but this year I pre sprouted/rooted them some so I would hopefully avoid issues 😅
    I’ve got 100+ with all the division of clumps I did so fingers crossed lol

  18. I didn’t dig up the tubers last fall, didn’t mulch at all and two of the three came back so far. I’m zone 7. We did get some very cold temps but only for about a week, so. They wintered over. Bonus!

  19. Dahlias come back every year in West cost. I always leave them in the ground in winters.

  20. Longfield Gardens the bulb provider for Costco, offers beautiful varieties and quantity for a great price! Looking forward to the blooms !

  21. It’s not fair! My Costco never has bulbs of any kind! What’s up with that, costcO!! The cut garden looks a hot mess but it will be beautiful, weeds and all!

  22. Oh how fun! You were going to have the most beautiful dahlia patch! It will be a little slice of Heaven. 🤩 I plan on planting my dahlias this weekend, too! I’m in zone 8 near Yosemite, California and we finally (!!!) stopped getting freezing temps just last week! 😳😂 I also have a dahlia tree that I picked up at Annie’s Annuals. Mine will have to be in a pot, though… thanks to our pesky gophers. 😤

  23. Janey I just wanted to say thank you so much for these daily videos. I just appreciate it so much. I am learning so many different things from you even though we are 4 zones apart. Its so interesting to learn about your zone. Ive been planting all week and just having a great time getting my annuals in the ground. But I wanted to take out a minute to tell you how much I love everything you are putting out on your channel. I know its a lot of work to do this daily and the subscribers are growing by leaps and bounds I am so happy for you. You are so loved Janey !

  24. If you are in zone 9b like me, you should not need an auger, it’s all sand 😂
    And you can keep the tubers in all the time, they should do great. I planted dahlia seeds this year – hope they work out 😊

  25. Im zone 6a and i dug up my dahlias but forgot one tuber. It comes back every year without any extra protection from me. I plan to leave all of mine in the ground and see what happens. Digging and storing is too much of a hassle. Except for my $30 tuber 😂 shes getting dug up just in case.

  26. I never have luck with Dahlias. I partitioned off the north end of my garden (prime real estate) and staked it all up and planted dahlia tubers. I did not water them until they sprouted. Green came up last year but no blooms . This year that whole bed was invaded by Dara/false queen Anne’s Lace that must have reseeded itself last year because I didn’t plant them there. The whole entire bed . So frustrating. I think Costco dahlias are from Longfield Gardens which resells tubers from Holland. They don’t grow their own. I bought some for my sister last year direct from Longfield Gardens and they all ended up with crown gall and every beautiful one had to be destroyed. I wont ever buy resold dahlia tubers from Holland again. Only domestically farm grown and hand pulled. Nothing worse rhan gifting someone crown gall in their garden. I felt so bad!

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