Gardening Supplies

Tour of our backyard garden: fish, chickens, potatoes, and mushrooms

Homestead Homies is kicking it off with a tour of our farm.

Want to adopt and name an animal for our homestead? Or want some special merch to mark this historic occasion?


  1. Thats like the opposite of the freeloader challenge, your going to use hard work to live of the land 😂

  2. The conservation folks usually ask that you don't introduce fish like tilapia to water ways that don't have tight controls so that they don't end up in local rivers in cases of a flood. They usually recommend fish native to the area. Ask me how I know 😅.

  3. Get yourself some bees. I bet if you look around you can get some old hives for next to nothing and TSC sells queens.

  4. This is awesome! My parents turned our backyard into a garden/farmstead with old kiddie pools and scrap wood. The tilapia carcasses and scrap makes great fertilizer, adding nitrogen back into soil. Makes for bigger and healthier crop. Good luck!

  5. Little late to April fools there aye Mikey?

    You know what? I'm feeling a little froggy today.. fuck it, I'm down. Subbed.

  6. DUDE idk where you live but i hope the crawfish were a native species. Releasing non native crawfish in Maryland where i live is illegal as hell and big fines

  7. My parents keep chickens, and while you'll get a massive amount of eggs, it seems as if everything wants to eat them. Even in their little fort, you'll still run across massacres.

  8. Fish tank owner here, be careful with those gold fish from the pet store sometimes they can be invasive. Another thing, their waste is high in ammonia, this may disrupt the ecosystem when and if they all get larger.

  9. Based. This is the knowledge that we need. Self sufficiency is criminally underrated. Stop relying on others for your family’s well being.

  10. Kevin from Epic Gardening/Epic Homestead has a GREAT rundown on chickens. Also, those potato planters are kind of a meme. The soil gets way to packed for anything to grow past the 18" mark. You'd be better served soil wise by spreading them out in 5 gal sized buckets to 30L totes of equivalent height. Dont' forget to rotate your crops, potatoes in the same bucket each season can lead to plant specific bugs and disease. Rotate with aliums (garlic/onion) and leafy greens. Look into aquaponics if you already have the fish.

    Those goldfish are absolutely gonna wreck that pond. They'll eat any and all things edible, they're carp, and turn the water rancid.

  11. It seems like starting a farm/homestead is the new hot meme Youtube profession. But I still think its awesome and wish you all the success getting in on the ground floor of wealth generation 💪

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