
First time mater grower and poster with the million dollar question, is this German Johnson dying on me after I pruned bottom branches and suckers?

First time mater grower and poster with the million dollar question, is this German Johnson dying on me after I pruned bottom branches and suckers?

by doodoopile


  1. gonets34

    Leaves curling typically means not enough water

  2. MissouriOzarker

    Some tomatoes are overly dramatic and curl their leaves for little to no reason. It’ll be fine.

  3. CitrusBelt

    What you have there is “physiological leaf roll” (google that, plus “tomato”, and you’ll find plenty of resources).

    When they’re relatively small/young/fast-growing, they’ll often roll right up if you prune too heavily all at once. Other factors may be in play, but since you mentioned a recent pruning, that’d be a very likely cause.

    It’s no big deal in the long run; it’s not *ideal*, but isn’t something to stress over.

  4. Rhgtfoh247

    Mites, thrips, or aphids. Aphids are easy to spot but the others are not.

  5. fruit_cats

    Pruning the bottom branches wouldn’t really cause that. Usually that sort of thing is environmental stress.

    Has it been cold? Hot? Windy?

    Was it recently transplanted?

    It should be fine regardless!

  6. CobraPuts

    Did you prune out the top of the plant too? It looks like it

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