Edible Gardening

How to plant TONS of dahlias (don’t forget this important step!)

All the things to keep in mind when planting LOTS of dahlias in the cutting garden! There are many videos on how to plant dahlias out there, but many of them forget one KEY step: PLANNING FOR SUPPORT! Dahlias get quite tall and top heavy and so it is particularly important to plan for how you are going to support them BEFORE you plant! If you wait to put your supports in until after they’re growing, you risk impaling your tubers as they grow and multiply under the soil, and impaling them can cause issues like rot!

In this video we will show how we support lots of dahlias together here at the farm. While we do long rows, you can also use this same strategy using metal t-posts and corralling your dahlias together if you do not plant in rows!

The jute netting product we use is from conscious gardeners.

-rebar and 10′ long 1/2″ PVC piping or 1/2″ electrical metal conduit (if you have a hoop bender). Alternatively, use metal t-posts in the ground in lieu of the rebar and hoops if you do not need shade or hail netting support.
-jute netting
-small UV-rated zip ties
-nylon cord for “spine” of tunnel


  1. Planting mine this weekend. It's been warm but it's also been raining constantly for the past two weeks. I didn't want them to rot

  2. Timing of the video is spot on, i bought myself 3 sacks of dahlia clusters, 8 dahlias in each sack with discounts i only payed 2 dollars a sack, ill be planting my dahlias either tonight or tomorrow =]]

  3. Great video as I watch the weather to get mine in the ground. You mentioned your forecast looked good. Can you share what you're looking for as far as weather outlook? Thanks

  4. That jute netting looks glorious! Glad you’ve shared an eco friendly option like this!

  5. How many inches did you plant the tubers? I have had issues with rot as well, so I shouldn't plant mine as deep either.

  6. I just got in from a long day of planting. Lol, Dahlias we’re on the list! I grew from seed so I can stake yet as I didn’t know that. I’ve never grown them before. I hope they can handle heat as you mentioned shade cloth. I’m Z5a, WI, but it can get hot in our microclimate.
    I’m still healing my finger from pinching it between the handle and wood stake. I used my left hand and wasn’t stable and it was the last tap too—Ugh! It wasn’t good. Every time you tapped I thought why didn’t I use the end like you? My hands hurt bad enough and now I have a deep cut.
    We have several chances of rain, but they never know how much and I was trying to get as much planted as possible and we need rain bad for this sandy soil.
    Oh, I didn’t pinch them and the are about a foot. Is it too late?
    Well the IB kicked in so I can move to get in the shower😂

  7. Thank you! I always learn so much from you and you think like I do (efficiency and saving money and helping the earth) so I greatly enjoy your channel and you're an excellent teacher without a bunch of over acting and silly jokes.

  8. Where did you get your boots from ? Can they be worn during the summer or do they get too hot ?

  9. Did any of your dahlias that you left in the ground over the winter survive?

  10. Never thought to protect crops this way….great idea! Thank you for sharing your hoops, I live in COS and will meet you one day at a class!

  11. Hello! Just wanted to say I’m so happy to have find you! Your hard work shows with all those gorgeous flowers. In the past I successfully killed my dahlias. This time around I’m really hoping to have them happy and healthy in my garden. I’m still not sure how to separate them as I’ve got big clumps of them with few old stems. I’m in zone 8b with winter rain, snow, few storms and -15-20C. Do you think planting them 6” deep would help winterize them in the garden? Can’t wait to see more videos from you. Keep up the great work. New subscriber☺️

  12. Thanks so much for your fabulous tips and info in dahlia growing. I’m giving them a try this year in my small garden. Excited to continue learning about them on your channel

  13. good callout to plan for support in the beginning! learned so much from this video 🙂

  14. Thanks for a wonderful video. I’m trying for some dahlias this year south of Denver, hoping I get some flowers this year!

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