Japanese Garden

How to Get Your Garden Tools Ready for the Season

Get your tools cleaned and sharpened so they are ready to go for garden season.

The tools I’m working with today (I bought all of these)*:
➟ Ladies Spade: https://bit.ly/sneeboerladiesspade
➟ Border Fork: https://bit.ly/borderfork
➟ Planting Trowel: https://bit.ly/plantingtrowel
➟ Cape Cod Weeder: https://bit.ly/capecodeweeder
➟ Weeding Finger: https://bit.ly/weedingfinger
➟ Short Perennial Spade: https://bit.ly/perennialspade
➟ Favorite hand pruner: https://bit.ly/niwakipruners
➟ Small blade sharpening stone: https://bit.ly/sharpstonebrown
➟ Whetsone sharpener: https://bit.ly/sneeboerwhetstone
➟ Long-handled edging shears (shop around …. the Amazon price is high!): https://amzn.to/3KrQRuF
➟ 3-in-ONE oil: https://amzn.to/3KtEdeU
➟ Oil dispenser + Camellia Oil: https://bit.ly/oilbingodobber

* For many tools I’m linking to Garden Tool Company. You can buy Sneeboer tools from many places, but I prefer to shop with them as it is small business owned by a nice couple who are experts in these tools. I have reached out via phone and email many times for advice on choosing the right tool and they have been so helpful.

My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5b.

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🌿Blog: https://www.theimpatientgardener.com
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📩 erin@theimpatientgardener.com

Some affiliate links may appear. I may make a small commission if you purchase through these links. Thanks for your support. You can see all my favorite products on my Amazon storefront at https://www.amazon.com/shop/impatientgardener

Some of my favorite garden gear:
➟ Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/impatientgardener
➟ Deer repellent: https://amzn.to/3gnPu46
➟ Inexpensive soil scoop: https://amzn.to/2TA4PWp
➟ Gardening gloves: https://amzn.to/3pVoUT3
➟ Seed storage boxes: https://amzn.to/3gqAfHC

Music in my videos from: http://bit.ly/39wBm5f

Mail to:
USPS: The Impatient Gardener
P.O. Box 99
Belgium, WI 53004

UPS/FedEx: The Impatient Gardener
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074


  1. Thanks, Erin! I've always been intimidated by sharpening tools. i was raised that there were guy things and women's things. Sharpening tools was a "guy" thing. I've been wanting to do this for some time and I so appreciate you just digging in and doing it! I think I can tackle the job now.

  2. That pumice stone looks like the same thing I use to clean hard water stains out of my toilet. I'll pick up a separate one for garden tools if it is, of course 😉

  3. Hi, Erin! Welcome to the “if you have more than flip flops on, you’re overdressed” club! You’ll fit right in here, for sure!!! Lol, that is too funny….I just told my husband the other day that I save him lots of money on therapy and shopping…plants are my therapy and all I need is a rather hefty gardening budget and we’ll all be happy! Love it! Thanks for the clean up tips…and the laughs as well! Very relatable!

  4. Love your channel! These tools are practical and beautiful, so sad they are all sold out😔 Excellent demonstrations on caring for them. I’m now aware that I shouldn’t leave them in the yard overnight…oops

  5. The information you post about gardening tools is as essential as everything else we do as gardeners. Thank you for all of your "gardening tools" videos!

  6. Erin , what is the name of the long handle stone sharpening tool. Where is it from?? Thank you. Love your videos in Tn!

  7. An anti-inflammatory diet took care of a lot…A LOT… of my pain issues. It’s an amazing difference. Just do a search for it. I promise it will help. Thank you for this video. Reminded me that I have not maintained my tools yet. 🥰
    PS…Once upon a time, I saw a video where it was recommended that you take a large container…maybe it was a five gallon bucket…fill it with sand and then pour oil in it and stir it up. Push your shovel heads into the sand and leave them there. Cleans, prevents rust and may even help keep them sharp.

  8. Erin, you will love that hand rake! The shape of the prongs is wonderful as they don't collect debris. Been looking for another one and now I know where to look!

  9. I need that lady spade-I’m 5’ 2” also. And yes, definitely take care of your body-my hands ache after a day of weeding and I’m just in my early 50s. Great video ☺️

  10. I don’t know about anyone else….but I really did not need to know about the fancy garden tool site! 😳🙈👩🏻‍🌾 thanks Erin! I’m off to clean and sharpen my unfancy garden tools.

  11. You inspired me. I sharped all our tools ( man to we have a lot). Thank you so much for your steps. In all honesty I have never done this.

  12. For anyone that wants to know, that cleaning stone should be made of pumice, stones like that are often used for cleaning bbq grills. If you search for grill cleaning stone, many cheaper alternatives come up that look exactly like that.

  13. Great video, thank you! Would you tell me where you got those tool racks I see at the beginning?

  14. Haha. Loved all these tools and I'm inspired to clean mine, which I never have!! My almost 20 year old is sick at home from work and he watched this video with me. "Is this what you watch regularly for your gardening ideas? She sounds like a very down to earth person and she's funny. I like her better than …. She is so pretty!"
    Thanks you Erin for this video. I feel like I know what I need to do to have clean and sharp tools now. 🌻

  15. I clean my tools after every use…outdoors. In Fall I also treat them with WD40 to store…and handles get painted or liquid floor waxed whenever I am using such products in the house or outdoors. I also love my tools & everything I think i'd like to purchase…i compare the price to something for my places…plants, soil, patio blocks, lumber, roofing, deck screws…the important stuff to get ahead. My immigrant mindset maybe. Buy for the future, a good future & take care of everything cus if you have to spend repurchasing the same thing, you never really get ahead do you? When sanding metal, outside, always wear safety glasses, especially if using a bastard file.

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