@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: I created a Frankenstein tomato…

Our first year grafting tomatoes! Often seen in orcharding, where you can graft different citrus or stone fruit to create a “fruit salad” tree, grafting is also a fun way to boost yield and results from your tomato crop.

Using the ‘Fortamino’ tomato from our seed company @botanical_interests you want to graft stems of similar size together. Slice at the same angle on both stems for best chance at success.

After the graft, keep in the dark and mist for a few days, then slowly re introduce to light. A week is about the time you can consider a transplant into the garden.

In our case, ‘Fortamino’ supercharges your grafted tomato with more leaves to prevent sun scald, more tomatoes per truss, and higher resistance to fusarium!


  1. I live in the Midwest where we struggle with A LOT of fungus and diseases (I also have neighbors who don't do anything to mitigate these things and it spreads to my garden easily), so I often look for disease resistant types or keep seeds from plants that did the best… Wonder if grafting would be another way to get a more disease resistant plant 🤔

  2. Other than tomato to tomato and Tomato to potato root, can we graft to other nightshade plants?

  3. Can you do this with a tomato on top of a potato? I’ve heard of people doing it. Then you can make fries and ketchup with one plant! 😂

  4. People make sure not to plant the Tomato to deep, yes you can do that with ungrafted ones, but in this case you want the graft above ground otherwise the scion will shoot roots and the graft makes no sense 😉

  5. What a coincidence! I have a greenhouse production class and we did grafts two weeks ago as practice. Last week, when I went to check on them, they were almost all making roots from the grafted point. Some fell (the clip didn't hold them) and only a rare few survived as normal

  6. you can graft tomato plants to potato plant roots actually, if they made a bioengineered version to avoid headache it would be awesome.

  7. I accidentally did that one time. I decapitated a tomato seedling about 2 inches from the roots. Just taped it back and it was like nothing happened

  8. I grafted a "Cherokee Carbon" scion (top) to a 'Fortamino' rootstock (bottom). We sell the 'Fortamino' variety at our seed company Botanical Interests!

  9. What was wrong with the roots it already had?, why not just keep the root one instead? Then you have 2 tomato plants, right?

  10. Nice! I’ve grafted Apple trees from dwarf rootstock and grown in espalier configuration with six different varieties. Trying the same with peppers this year attempting a “FrankinPepper” with four of my favorites. We’ll see how that turns out. Never tried tomatoes and the pepper is just an experiment. I have plenty of garden space so annuals like tomatoes and peppers aren’t even necessary / profitable but it’s still an interesting experiment.

  11. Unfollow. Seams you literally copy no till growers posts. Then copy his content. Literally 2 days after he came out witha grafting video here you are.

  12. Can you tell me your thoughts on steralizing potting soil with steam? I saw it mentioned the other day, but I've never seen anyone do it on youtube and I would love to know any risks/benefits!!

  13. I am lost! Why will it be better and create more fruit and rid likelihood of disease? Are they the same species of plant or different? Please explain!

  14. The comments about something so old, graphing. Love the idea of graphing, however I always will remember my first time learning about it, it was also a lesson Mom and my Sunday Teacher told me of the olive graphing story in the New Testament. 😛

    Also, I’m planting seedlings Wednesday, so I hope I can steal your luck and knowledge!

  15. Oh, great. Now I see lots of grafting experiments in my future. I wonder what happens if you graft a carrot root with a potato top? Or what if i graft a broccoli onto a whole cauliflower plant? Will I get fraternal twins?!😅

  16. Just read you aquired Botanical Interests, congrats!! I love their seeds and use many of them every year for the vegetable garden I grow with my dad, and the flower garden I grow with my mom! I unfortunately don't have a garden where I live now, but they don't seem to mind that since I end up making their garden beautiful and productive every year 😂

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