
Este Garden Pro Tips: Growing Tomatoes, Peppers, Okra | Central Texas Gardener

Este Garden urban farmers Anamaria Gutierrez and Lea Scott show how to prune and weave tomatoes and peppers with twine to support summer growth and prevent disease. Find out how to sanitize between cuts, why to remove early flowers and fruits and how to fertilize. Plus, learn how to clone tomato stems from cuttings in July for fall harvests.

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  1. Yall have it looking great over there! I'm going to give your tomato cloning tip a try this year.

  2. Great video! Would love to see their fall garden crop as well! Do you know what the ratios are for the homemade fertilizer mix? Their plants look so healthy!

  3. What a gold mine of info – thank y'all for putting this together.

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