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  1. Nominees for Supreme Court should have DEEP DIVE professional financial scrutiny going back 10 Yrs.

  2. Thank you Cindy. In the last few days I’ve been reading some comments on social media and it was very surprising to read how the election of trump affected them and now they say that they were devastated and how they broke down and cried and now they’re saying that what they feared became a reality even people from abroad were greatly affected because they hold this country in such high esteem. The damage this man has done is of such extent. Looking at us now so full of hate, our courts so full of shame, and our state governments so extreme. He deserves whatever is coming to him. If he thinks he can be elected he is not looking at the last two elections where the popular vote was not for him. He does not realize that the minority of people who voted for him is that: a minority. Maybe all these calamities were meant to happen in order for us to pay attention to the people we vote for and hopefully people will do the proper research before casting their vote.

  3. Great reading! I've heard Robert's wife is part of a big law firm in DC and he doesn't recuse himself for cases that firm brings …. just saying 🙂

  4. Thank you Cyndi for this lovely reading 😘 I am soooo looking forward to the traitor Roberts legacy on the court being equally disastrous as Taney in the Dredd Scott court. Supposedly the traitor Roberts is obsessed with his legacy and it will officially be in the toilet when the Court is corralled in on his watch 😂😂😂Have a WONDERFUL weekend 😀

  5. E Jean is not going to settle. I am hoping the judge tosses contempt charges at donald jessica and locks him up.

  6. Hi Cindy, well my longer comment disappeared darn it. So, the shorter version then is. I had strong feelings during the Thomas and Bill Barr nomination hearings that both of them should not be approved and appointed. I just knew they both would be trouble down the road we are now traveling. Of course not to mention the most disposable of it all DRump. That one was just my common sense. I just don't get how all of them landed in the positions they held. It just blows my mind of corruption we are in now. Thanks for your insight. It's helpful and too bad it can't happen yesterday. ☀

  7. I meant "Dispicable". Not disposable. My computer sometimes changes my words. Ha lol. Wish there was a fix.

  8. Cyndi, thank you for the wonderful reading! I appreciate your clarity, your directness & your fairness. ❤

  9. senator sheldon whitehouse. where would america be without him? hope the history books remember.

  10. I’m delighted to hear we will get positive reforms made to the Supreme Court in the next few years.

  11. Hi Cyndy, thank you for your continued interest in the American train wreck known as our political scene. I am always greatly reassured by you truthful yet hopeful assessments. Love from Seattle. ❤️☔️🥰

  12. Thank you so much, our Canadian friend & neighbor. What a loving & caring soul you are to share your gifts with us to help us stay strong & steady. You & others like you give us HOPE. Many blessings to you CYNDY. Enjoy your weekend! Mine started out GREAT the moment I saw you had released a video for today. In deep gratitude 🥰

  13. EJ Carrol,is one of dozens of sexual misconduct complaints against him, this also includes ( allegedly) two young boys under the age of 12/!

  14. Thank goodness for Senator Whitehouse. He has been a trojan at exposing the Supreme Court and the diligence of excellent journalists have helped his cause. Judge Kaplan for the E. Jean Carroll case, has been amazing and won't have any of the nonsense brought by lackey former guys lawyers. Ms. Carroll deserves justice. Thank you Cindy, enjoy your weekend.

  15. I think you missed some news. Pence already HAS testified. Videos showed his convoy arriving, and departing. So apparently Pence was there the whole day, from morning until late afternoon. And apparently Special Counsel Jack Smith himself did some of the interrogation! Also, regarding E.Jean Carroll case, there are reports Trump's lawyers were ordered to get their client to stop talking about the details of the trial. And since (of course) the orange guy is incapable to shutting up, next step (already in the works) is that he'll be hauled in front of the judge, so he can be told directly, he can't blab. And that if he does, he'll be help in contempt. It will be a wonderful day when he's safely in custody (or a padded cell, for his own welfare of course). Thanks for your readings. Much appreciated, Cyndy.

  16. Mrs Jackson is the newest, Her Background ✓ was thorough. They knew how the GOP would QU her.

  17. You are right on about Roberts. Propublica is deep diving into each of them. Thomas was just the first.❤

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