Gardening Supplies

The 3 sisters gardening method but not all of it is true – Audio clip

We have all heard of the 3 sisters gardening method but not all of it is true
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Merch camping and gardening

Amazon #Influencer page with products we use and trust from gardening to camping, household goods and even cat stuff. Over 500 items list

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  1. Hello. Your video popped up regarding the Alexapure. We recently purchased one and the water is much better tasting. I do know Berkey is in a lawsuit right now for false claims. I watched a video from a water testing channel. They said the tap water actually tested better than the Berkey. Now it makes me curious about the Alexapure. I did request they do a video on it. There is a way to send samples to be tested. I might send some to be tested if it isn’t too expensive. I see you have a lot of gardening videos, so I am subbing!😊

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