Japanese Garden

Connor’s Biggest First World Problem With Chris

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  1. I think Joey showing off his japanese skills is one of my favourite things they talk about in these

  2. 1:41 omg I feel Joey so much LOL
    I don't live in Japan, but I live in Korea, which is equally as monoethnic as Japan. I am quarter Indian, quarter white, and half Korean, and I too get the "press x to doubt" look from time to time. Although not as much as Joey I assume, because my Indian blood and white blood kinda cancel each other out, whereas Joey's Japanese blood doesn't really show off LOL

  3. So, in Italy, regardless of nationality the Hotel registers your ID (passport ID card etc) to the police, so if you don't have an ID you don't get to enter

  4. That could be fun, Connor should tell people he is Japanese every time and put all the reaction in a compilation video.

  5. Speaking many languages is great! I'm French (Canadian) and decided to learn English 17 years ago. Best thing I've ever done! I'm currently learning Italian. I can read it since it's so close to French but I want to be able to speak it 😂

  6. It's fun being a trillinguist, in my case:

    1. As Indonesian, when we're still living Japan, we had honeymoon in Paris. Went to Rodin museum, order lunch at their cafe. A Japanese elderly couple helped us with the French although the staffs clearly can speak English, but anyway they started the chat in English. They were surprised that we can speak Japanese and we all were surprised that we actually live just 1 kilometer apart.

    2. Went to Istanbul to Topkapi Palace, a local carpet seller guy started the conversation in Japanese asking if we are one (although we're not). Ended up talking Japanese in Turkey when three of us weren't even Japanese. He said that he used to sell carpet back in Tokyo. So bizarre

  7. Tbh this whole freak out about showing your ID is a very British or American thing because people usually don’t have an ID Card or a passport. In basically any other place it’s totally normal.

  8. Does japanese people have no identity card to prove they r the resident of the country. We have aadhar card here in india, which is connected with other cards and bank account. So you only need to show aadhar card

  9. Why are people from first world countries expats, and everyone else is called an immigrant? They litteraly MOVED there. They are immigrants too.

  10. Don't worry joey you already have the Indian fanbase even without speaking hindi 🇮🇳☺

  11. Joey needs to do a DNA test lol. He must have something in his background and those traits popped up randomly

  12. What are you doing in check in? It always takes max 3 minutes and they takes copy of the passport in that time

  13. Joey's gotta start learning a third language quick. The other 2 already know/are learning 3 languages.

  14. I have had to deal with plenty of Japanese tourists that don't speak or understand English well. Maybe because it is the United States they felt safer coming over? idk. Also Japanese tourists seem to be the worst offenders when it comes to not lining up properly. Skipping in line or going up rudely pass others to get something they want. It is a cultural difference but boy can it create issues.

  15. How about Filipino for Joey's 3rd language? Since Aki's filipino, it would give bonus points when talking to her relatives

  16. I think most urban people in India know 3 languages. You don't need to learn hindi to have fans in india. We understand english just fine. I speak 3 languages fluently.

  17. I helped two ladies order McDonald’s in Canada. All they spoke was German. Though my German sucks lol 😅 I was still able to help them out a lot.

  18. In the US you have to show your ID when checking into hotels, most of the time. It’s incase you’re rowdy and F up their stuff. If you say “oh, I live here” that’s just weird, they’ll be like, “you live at the hotel?”

    Showing your ID is pretty much mandatory and has nothing about where you live.

  19. Twice I've been to Japan and both times. They think I'm Indian or middle eastern. One store clerk spoke to me in his native language I said sorry only English or Spanish my man pull out both languages and ask which one he sounds better. I told my wife yo WTF he speaks 4 fluent languages and he's a store clerk my man would be a jewel here in Los Angeles. I will never forget him. Not gonna I did enjoy people thinking I was something other than Mexican.

  20. Yeah, they don't want you there and guess what? They're right! They don't want you to screw up their society like westerners have screwed up their own societies. By the way, they're not xenophobes, they don't fear people from other countries. They just hate them and they're right in doing so.

  21. I only ever give hotels my drivers license, and I dont consent to it being copied.

  22. Its so annoying when Westerners do this and selfish.
    Why potentially trouble the staff just because you are selfish?
    Theres a lot of reason why the hotel wants your particulars.

  23. Im an idiot dnt know everyone situation but context clues, my understanding then garnt and Connor have like a work visa to live in Japan and joey actually has citizenship? Is that correct?

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