Edible Gardening

Sharon’s Food Forest – April walkabout

High on the Mendip plateau, a fifteen-minute drive through the lanes from Rob’s forest garden, lies Sharon’s newly established, one-acre food forest.

Inspired by Rob’s design, planned by Adam Croft, and implemented by Sharon herself, Rob shows us around this edible landscape, a mix of new & old, and very much a work in progress (like any garden!)

Rob is fortunate enough to be able to work here every Tuesday at the moment, using his hard-earned trial & error agroforestry knowledge to help Sharon’s vision come to fruition.

Presented and recorded by Rob Handy.

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Thanks to the Rob’s Discovery patrons:

Beki Jennings
Tom Richardson
Hamish Mabon
Catherine Worsman
Sarah Wilson
Patricia Merrill Siefken
Curt Beardsley
Zaadia Valine
Wendy Farley
Claire Sarchet
Ross Newport
Philipp Stucke
Donna Curtis
Joanne Scott
Mog Wilde
Saskia Griffiths-Moore
Anna L
Eve Darker
Liz Larson
Judit T
Gavin Spittlehouse
Andy Purvis
Elias Vandyke-Titus
Asdiel Echevarria
Will Purdy
Danielle Zavala
Stefan Veda
William Inman
Anna Ballard
Angela Grist
EH Milton Jr.
John Bullock
Krystyna Henderson
Pippa Taylor
Tina Horvath
Preben Hansen
K.J. Carr


  1. Thanks for a lovely video showing the new forest garden. So nice to see a natural approach rather than fighting nature. Yesterday we were in our mixed Wood just appreciating nature in all its glory. Also giving our rooted Christmas tree a new perminant home.

  2. A lovely antidote to a wet day here…a question…does Sharon have to be careful re old lead mining residue? Best wishes, Jinxy

  3. What a lovely visit!! 🍄🍇🍒 Thanks, Rob! I was enjoying the birdsong as well, mixed in with the rooster calls! 🐓 Didn't hear the turkey, sadly. I'll look forward to seeing Ms Sharon featured; hope it's soon! Have a blessed day! ✨️☀️🌷

  4. A broken hedge trimmer? What a bummer. That doesn't fit well in your idyllic world. 😉
    But, so cool to see what you're up to. I've never seen a keyhole bed. Very interesting. And, more interesting is the length of the video, 11:11. That number has been grabbing my attention since 2015.
    Have a super blessed day, Mr. Rob.

  5. I would of liked to have watched you going to Wells, seeing what you got up too

  6. Hi again Rob, I really liked the idea of adding name markers to bamboo canes – why didn't I think of that! The fruit bushes in this garden are lovely and lush too – as is your wonderful views. I'm growing blueberry and loganberry in large pots in my small town garden, It's quite magical to see the buds and leaves appear from a few sticks! Thanks for your video and it's good to see you.

  7. What an amazing property Rob. So many delicious things to eat growing in that place. Two fruits I haven’t had since I was a child are gooseberries and locquats. Looking forward to your next video.

  8. It's looking really good. Such amazing progress in such a short time frame. I can't wait to see the next video.

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