@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: My most surprising potato harvest…


  1. I guess the problem is they were too close to the surface of the soil, usually kneeling the potatoes with more dirt around them prevents that

  2. Green is exposure to air and sun. Potatoes need to be continually topped off with dirt.

  3. I read that it's good to replant the green potatoes as they're more resistant to pests.

    I wonder, though, can you just cut off the green parts then eat the rest of the piece? Or would the solanine still be strong in the remaining part?

  4. Washing them when you’re ready to eat them so they last longer…why does that make them last longer?

  5. Wow. That was unexpected. It’s hard to keep up with what to cure and clean and when. Thanks for that tip.

  6. Oh mine might be ready for harvest since they look similar. Here's hoping for good haul!

  7. DO NOT eat the green ones. My Irish ancestral curses kicked in the second I saw it. Those nightshade toxins love to fry brains

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