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A Tour of My Best And Worst Houseplants

Check out my best and worst houseplants.
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  1. 6:25 cat like reflexes! I bet you're a top-secret, ninja assassin, government horticulturalist, hellbent, trained, and genetically engineered to rid the world of herbicidal, plant enthusiasts that love to buy plants and watch them slowly (or quickly, depending on my mood) suffer the brown death that we so proficiently inflict on them. But you'll never stop me! MUA-HAHAHAHA!!!🤓

  2. I don't have much trouble with my dieffenbachia, unless I overwater, BUT they are fabulous when grown exclusively in water. I use them in aquariums, and they grow extremely well in that setting. Take cuttings from your fussy adults, plop them into a jar of water, and just leave them there. I've got them growing in water jars as well as my aquariums. Mine get a LOT of light. I found when they don't get enough light, they don't grow well, get scraggly, and the lower leaves fall off when new leaves are produced.

  3. This was enjoyable to watch. You have a nice home and your plants are beautiful.

    I'm so glad to find out that I am not the only one that had problems trying to grow a diffenbacia. I had one a couple months ago – had to keep cutting yellow leaves off so often that I decided to repot the thing.
    It croaked within the next 24 hours. No more diffenbacias for me! 😂

  4. "This guy just seems to want to misbehave all the time." Like that kid in first grade that we all hated.

  5. Love your plant tour – especially the interesting wooden trellises that some of your plants are growing up – I have not seen those in the United States. Can you mention where you purchase these lovely trellises? I love your videos. . . thanks! Nancy

  6. Hi, beautiful plants and an amazing collection! What are these yellow stars and butterflies that you have in many of your pots? Are these only for decoration or do they serve a purpose?

  7. Love you videos they're very helpful. I have a, fair few plants but not as many as you yet. I find that you get to learn which plants you can care for and which ones that are a fail. I need to move the radiator in the lounge so I can get some shelving on there. Hubby's going to love me 😅

  8. This video made my day, thanks a milion ✌️
    I've recently found my Birkin THRIVING (!) in a pot the size of a glass, with one long root sticking out of the bottom, in rock -solid dry soil: what a plant !!!
    Must confess I' be been waiting the whole video long for you to mention an Alocasia: mine has NEVER gone beyond having two sad leaves 😞

  9. Hang the scandens in a sunny spot. Don't water them until they're completely dry and then wait a week. They act like a succulent I have found. But yes they like a sunny window! ❤

  10. I cannot grow begonia lol. I'm in NZ. I have had FOUR! and even in summer, as soon as i pot them up, it's over rover 🤦‍♀️
    I also cannot grow alocasia and colocasia no matter how much light, humidity or food I give them lol

  11. 3% hydrogen peroxide is excellent for treating plants, you have to mix it in with water, though.

  12. Your plants are stunning but didn't expect anything else from you.
    Really enjoyed this video cheers buddy 👍

  13. I am with you. I love my Birken even though everyone has it on their hate list. It makes me incredibly happy when I have a half chocolate leaf amidst the beautiful striped leaves.

  14. I noticed that all your plants are in plastic pots then inserted into a decorative pot…. Instead of potting the plant directly into the decorative pot…WHY?? Please explain.

  15. Oops! I believe there was a small freudian slip as you claimed the pilea peperomoides was your least favorite plant then proceeded to almost show it to the floor…🧐😂…on another note i agree the peperomia polybotra is much nicer looking (and easier to care for). loved the video, thank you

  16. So many plants I want to try now. Especially want a calathea elgergrass like yours. I'll have to watch your video repeatedly to research many of your favorites, and a few of your current villains, who's leaves look irresistible. Fantastic collection.

  17. How's your experience with the Calathea Makoyana? The top leaves are doing great, but there are multiple smaller, lower leaves that have brown edges. It's in the most stable spot temperature wise and 3 meters from the window. I think I have to let it dry out a bit more before watering. I know now from you they are not the easiest plants to care for. I am switching to watering from underneath, will start doing it with that plant as well..

  18. About the Dieffenbachia, my Mars has been doing great for at least 2 years now.. I have it in a spot 2 meters from the nearest window (3,5 meters from my south facing windows), it has medium indirect light all day. It stands on a bar, so it's well clear from any cold drought when I have a window open. I water it once a week, never soak the whole pot doing so. I guess that accidentally was what it loves, it's a meter high and 2 weeks ago I spotted the first small brown tip on 1 leaf which I cut off. No new browning so far on that leaf. Hopefully there is something in here that helps 🙂

  19. oh I love this video – please show us all of your plants 🙂
    favorite child at the moment: My tradescantia zebrina is flourishing (and even flowering)
    my villains: I also have the problem with the dieffenbachia and the brown spots on the leaves – very annoying; my sansevieria is not doing anything – not growing, not dying, just existing, same with the areca – just getting some browning on the top of the leaves and not growing…

  20. The melanochrysum is also a clear villain for me. It hasn't adapted well to my house, I might give up on it soon. Same with my summer style dieffenbachia, I love it so much and really want it to live, but it doesn't seem to want to. Really nice to take a look at your collection, your heroes and your drama queens!

  21. I’ve seen you mention the syngonium red arrow as a struggle plant a few times. I have found mine to be happiest with a bit more moisture and less light. Mine is in a north window, and I repotted it into an aroid mix in a clear glass container with no drainage—you can see exactly how much moisture is in it when you water, so it’s easy to pour some out if you water too much, and it doesn’t get overly dry without you being able to see it. I’ve been doing this with plants for over a decade, and it works very well. I’ve only had the red arrow for maybe 9 months, so I can’t claim to be an expert, but it’s doing well for me.

    And if you don’t like the growth pattern of your money plant, you could snip off the top half and root it so that you don’t have the long stem. I think they stay more compact the more light and humidity they get.

  22. Do you have any alocasias in your collection?
    I struggle with them. My alocasia azlanii died within two weeks 🙁 I bought it online and it shipped about 6 days and was left in the cold and dark trough Easter and I guess the plant didn't like it. After I planted it and watered it, it died within two days. The mold ate it right away. Bought a new one today and will give it a new try. Wish me luck 😊

  23. I Was Making A Moss Pole For My Golden Pothos Plants For The First Time. As Recommended I Use No Tap Water And The Plants Are Shiner And More "Lush" Than Ever.
    Anyway I Went Over To Where I Placed A Pepperomia Santorini Leaf Onto A Slice Of A Loofa Sponge and In Some Good Water And Just Noticed 5-6 Hairlike Roots. It Took Over A Month But When You Recommended Moving It Closer To The Light, It Showed Roots Within 2 Weeks Of Being About 4-5 Inches Away From the Light Source. Now I Feel Positive That I Can Do This Again and Again.
    Thank You.

  24. Would you consider making a get-to-know-you video in which you’d tell us a bit about yourself, your job, how you began on the plant-parenting path? You’ve built quite a community here, and I don’t even know your name, for God’s sakes 😅

  25. Love your videos! Definitely some of the best plant info out there. I have a bromeliad plant I sometimes struggle with. I'm always looking for tips on that😅

  26. My pilea was stretching so much, it was about 30cm high but only had four leaves on the top, the bottom leaves were all gone 😂 I considered to do the big chop but couldn't really commit since it was my first plant ever and I've sent babies of hers to friends all around the world!

    A few weeks ago, my bedroom mirror fell over and fell into my plants. Miraculously, the only plant damaged was the pilea – the tip was cut straight off, almost as if the plant gods had sent me a message 😂 I put it in a jar with water, maybe it starts to root

  27. Question for all, I have my share of plants I kill but I seem to do well with tradescantia's?! What are some different plants that are similar in requirements? (my "I'm not allowed to buy again because it will die list are ficus, figs & calathea… and my syngonium is alive but the leaves look the right color but are ugly curly)

  28. The philodendron Brasil is beautifully potted! The way it makes that spiralling cone. My mom gifted me one of those trellises, the monstera one for my birthday and my swiss cheese plant is in love so thanks for showing those! Love them.

  29. Your plant collection is gorgeous 😍 your lipstick plant looks beautiful but I just can’t get on with the flowers 😂

  30. I love the pothos growing along the wall ❤ Such easy unproblematic plants! No drama 😂

  31. Love this video Sheff!🥰 The lighting is wonderful, colors are vibrant and bright. Cut the Cupid -Peperomia and start over. I have 3 huge hanging baskets by a south facing window. She’s bigger than my pothos. Good luck 👍

  32. which pot do you recommend ? Terra Cotter,plastic,ceramic etc.Begonia is so beautiful and healthy. Those Dumb Cane plants people have grown in water ,with no problems.

  33. I have an alocasia frydek that is probably about 6 years old now, and it has grown a trunk like your Chinese money plant, which I rather like, because it's unusual. It's about three and a half or four feet tall now (a bit over a meter), and flowers several times a year for me.

    I have one of its babies in a pot next to it, which has spread in to several small plants in the pot with an overall bushy appearance. Kinda neat how the same plant can end up looking so differently due to its circumstances.

  34. the tradsantia like to be pruned, I have had the same one for years ain the same pot and I have never put in new soil in the last six years well drained water when completly dry let it sit in water until it get super dry again. And thats what works for me, damn I love your orchids beautiful.

  35. Absolutely love the plant nook you have by the window with lots of natural light, that's just art on its own. 🥰 I also love marble queen pothos and brazil plant a lot, all the leaves look like little watercolor paintings to me. I might have found out the reason why my adansonii wasn't happy, it was root bound! I might cut it back and start it over with a lesson learned.

  36. Hi Richard – Thanks to your reply to my comment, I was able to order some trellises from Treleaf. They are so much nicer looking than the stakes and poles I was using! Love them! . . . along with the trellises, came these "baby trellises" and I am not sure what to do with these, since they don't have the bottom section that would go into the soil. What do I use them for? Possibly very small plants, 4 inches or less? more as an ornament than a practical staking? They are so cute, I wanted to ask you. Thanks again for your wonderful videos. I also like "the sweedish plant guys" – you both are so informative and helpful, and it is so wonderful to actually receive responses from you! I am not on social media, so I rely on email – thank you for not ignoring those of us who still use email! Looking forward to more videos! – Thank you so much! Nancy Marano

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