@Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm: My trick to PLANTING TOMATOES | VLOG

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.


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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-greenstalk
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order): https://rootsandrefuge.com/yt-squizito
– ButcherBox: https://rootsandrefuge.com/butcherbox
– Growers Solution: https://rootsandrefuge.com/growers-solution



  1. I usually go fishing and drop a bunch of sunnies in my tomato holes. Always drop a scoop of lime on top, never had an issue with critters. May need to give the eggs a go!

  2. I grew up on an avocado farm so we didn’t have street lights, but when the sun got halfway down on the horizon….that’s when our “street light” signal to come home was. I do remember that feeling of awwwwwww nooooo, but it brings back wonderful memories!

  3. Hey Jess or anyone, have you ever grown cherry's or slicer on your arches. I am in northern Minnesota, so no tomato planting yet, so pro's and con's are super appreciated. EGG'S ARE A MUST, years i have not done it, I have been sad.

  4. Hey Jess, I'm not a Millennial (I'm older) and we didn't have street lights where I grew up. But, "Oh Man!" is the same feeling I get when I realize you're about to say "Thanks guys for hanging out with me today…" I'm so happy to see your joy and energy is back. Love you girl!

  5. I keep the fish guts and what not when my husband goes fishing . Then bury it all over my garden and it does wonders.

  6. Jess thank you for your many excellent posts, I love all the info you give! I was wondering, after seeing you out in the warm garden in a sleeve less or tank-top why you don’t offer some of your shirts in sleeveless or tank-tops in your online store. I am in central Florida and it’s already so hot I am wearing tank-tops, I also was looking to get a top for a gift for someone special that also follows your channel!

  7. I am glad that you use words like piddling! I consider that a heirloom word. As an older lady I really appreciate your enthusiasm and passion for the garden. I too have those things. Just takes me a bit longer to accomplish it all! Happy Gardening!!

  8. Golly I did put in an egg but didn’t crack it open. Which I had seen this earlier. Hope my tomatoes are going to be ok.

  9. You made me laugh Jess. We moved into town & the only redeeming thing was friends close by and we had a swimming pool. My kids missed the open spaces.
    There was a street light I could see from my kitchen window & they knew when that light came on they better get in the house. Wouldn’t you know my kiddos figured out just how to kick the base of the lamp post & knock the light out for another 15-20 minutes??? It would be getting close to 8 & I’m thinking where are my kids? Here in central Ky my grandbabies are still running from my house back to theirs at almost 9:00 all summer long. I. Love. Farm. Life. And I love living generationally.
    Blessings, debby
    Btw, my 3yo Marigold knows you need an egg in the tomato hole. 😍

  10. Love the idea of creating a space to enjoy in the garden and planting "snacky" plants close by. I had been thinking of moving a table and chairs plus a sitting bench back in the garden to have places to enjoy my coffee in the morning, as weather gets nicer.

    Yes, I am a boomer and had that, "oh, man" reaction this morning when I went out to the garden and saw heavy clouds rolling in.

  11. Oh, that's not only milennials–I'm 73, and if I'm playing outside (most of the time) it's the 'oh, man' time when the darkness comes, however it rolls in.

  12. I don't do eggs but I add a small handful of blood meal and one of bone meal.

  13. 🎉congrats on 12 yr anniv. thats a huge accomplishment! Here's to another 12x 5😊 How does this milestone feel esp after all the accomplishments😄
    Gods blessings to U🙏🏽

  14. A solution to the darkness is installing motion lights in the garden so you can garden in the dark 💃🏼

  15. I learned "egg in the hole" for tomato planting from one of your videos a while back, and my tomatoes have always flourished since then. One year I forgot to add egg to 2 tomatoes, and compared to the other 2 tomatoes growing in similar conditions, the non-egg vines didn't thrive.

    I decided to fix it. I dug a hole beside their roots, crushed an egg into it, and deeply watered. Within a week both vines took off! So even if you forget at first, you can still salvage the season.

    Lastly, I wanted to mention that I have told this method to everyone I know who gardens and they all swear by it, too!

  16. Last year, I put eggs in one row of tomatoes, and they thrived. In the second row, I did not put an egg in the holes with the tomatoes, and they did not do as well.
    Awwww you made my day. We are getting rain all weekend. I was hoping for pretty weather to work on the garden. We had a light frost last weekend.

  17. I too have heard that about the egg placed in the soil by plants like those tomatoes 👍 I definitely dont think your wrong in sharing that… heck I appreciate that ya did! Kudos beautiful keep up the amazing tips and tricks… I sure see them as blessings so thanks

  18. Do you have other types of blueberries, because although they tend to be self pollinating you get a much better harvest with more than one variety pollinating each other. The tomatoes must be getting some benefit from the inside of the eggs, because the shells take many (many) years to break down enough to give any significant amount of calcium.

  19. I tried it a couple of years ago and I’ve never stopped. They seemed to be healthier plants. I do actually think about you every time I do it. 😂

  20. As a fellow millennial I to have that feeling and get bummed when it gets to dark or starts thundering. Especially when I’m getting into the groove of being productive in the garden and outside in general.

  21. The flowers around the fountain look pretty. Good choice. A year ago that area was brand new, now it is filled in! Love it!

  22. It was a heat index of 106+ in SWFL today. I still haven't gotten my beds ready and my tomatoes still aren't in 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ oh well. I'm still going to plant them but in a shaded area and then restart in Aug/Oct for a fall/winter (and less bug pressure) harvest 😂😊

  23. You don't have to be a millennial to get that feeling of "Oh NO!" "It CAN"T be time to go in Already"! I'm 68 and it always feels like the streetlights just came on in the middle of having a good time and I am dragged away to responsibilities!

  24. Oh gosh, yes, i totally know how you feel about the rain coming and wanting to stay outside but cant! My Uncle came to till my garden for me on Tuesday and oh boy was i excited! Now i can plant!! But, had commitmemts on Wednesday and Thurs so all i got done was to put some trellises up. Now Fri through Wed shows rain in my area of Ohio …. Im so sad, all i want to do is plant my garden with all the beautiful things!! I cant put tomato or pepper in yet but at least i can do other things. If only it wouldnt rain! lol

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