Backyard Garden

Expanding my garden… again! #urbanhomesteading #backyardgarden #urbanfarmer

Last year I went from 4 small raised beds to a 400 sq ft in-ground garden and added a few more raised beds. To say that was a ton of work is an understatement. I spent every spare moment building it (and then maintaining, harvesting and preserving it all šŸ˜œ)

This year I’m expanding my garden to around 1000 sq ft. I’m adding berry bushes, asparagus and a tea/medicinal/culinary herb garden.

A lot of people I know think I’m weird, but this was completely normal for families decades ago. Is it a massive undertaking while also working as a nurse? Hell yeah. But is it worth it? Double hell yeah.

I love when people ask me questions about my gardening/chickening. If I can inspire 3 of my Instagram followers to grow something, my work here is done. šŸ˜‚

#backyardgarden #gardeninglife #vegetablegardener #vegetablegardening #growyourownfood #growyourgroceries #oldfashionedonpurpose #getyourhandsdirty #urbanhomestead #backyardhomestead #urbanfarmgirl #urbanfarmers #selfsufficientbackyard #selfsufficientgardening #homesteadmama #homesteadmom #microfarms #microhomestead #backyardchickens #backyardfarm #backyardfarming

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