
Garden Tips : How to identify Hydrangea Flowers

Three of our all time favorite hydrangeas! Limelight, Pinky Winky and Annabelle . We will tell you a little bit about these three must have hydrangeas and why we love them sooooo much.

#cranburyfields #Hydrangeas #gardenchat


  1. We have all three varieties and others. But this year I set my pinkywinky in full sun we were experimenting with hydrangeas. Well my poor pinkywinkys started off really good but then constant rain and really blazing hot sun got to them and they didn’t finish forming. Last year I had them under my porch with only morning sun beautiful blooms but I know they could of gotten bigger. I’m in zone8a in NC and the toughest one so far is limelight in full sun! What zone are you in? Is rain a problem for you with hydrangeas?💚💚💚💚💚💚

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