Garden Design

3 Spring Planting Out Mistakes… (Avoiding frost damage, hardening off & more!)

Today’s video is all about spring planting out tips and growing advice for tender exotic plants, annuals, houseplants and new plant purchases as the weather warms up and we can start looking forward to a summer tropical style garden display! I talk about when to plant out tender plants, how to avoid damage from late frosts and get the plants off to the best start. I discuss hardening off, how I acclimatise young / tender plants to the outdoor conditions then move onto one practical tip for designing and planting annuals and other tender ‘bedding’ plants into your garden this spring. I hope this helps you successfully get your plants off to a flying start and as always feel free to leave your tropical / jungle style gardening questions in the comments section!

When to plant out tender Summer tropical plants, annuals & bedding:

Tropical/Jungle Style Gardening UK Facebook Group:

0:00 – Intro
0:58 Planting out tender plants, bedding & annuals too early!
6:49 Not hardening plants off – why it’s important and how to do it!
10:47 Spring care tips and when to plant out young exotic plants in your U.K. garden
11:41 Planting tender exotics and fast growing annuals without a rough garden design
12:44 Summer exotic plant growth rates and shading out permanent structure plants
15:23 Conclusion, learn from my garden mistakes but enjoy your own tropical garden adventure!

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  1. Hi George – ANOTHER great video, thanks for these! I bought a 6" musa basjoo 2 weeks ago and Im hardening it off at the moment. Its in a larger pot which I bring it out every morning and in every evening. It has now nearly doubled in size, but unfortunately it has developed brown patches on its leaves. I struggled to understand why (as I knew that if I immediately planted it this would be wrong), but you have set my mind at ease! Thanks for this – hope the summer is good to you!

  2. Great advice, George!
    I don't think you get enough credit (although maybe you do and I've just not spotted it!) for the production quality of your videos, and the professionalism of your presentation style: any of your videos could seamlessly be inserted into an episode of "Gardeners' World" without anyone thinking "Oh, here we go with a clip that's been sent in by a viewer…"
    Did you have any experience presenting or producing videos before you started this channel?

  3. I’ve never known a Winter drag on as long as this one, hopefully it will improve soon, great video by the way 👍

  4. Lost a few plants last winter like most people. An opportunity to change things around. Definitely taking it easy as regards new plantings as its still so cold up here in the NW

  5. Talking of Gunnera I’m in a sulk and pretty jealous of your Manicata. I ordered 2 on tinternet naively believing the pic in the advert and what arrived were 2 teeny tiny 9cm pots with 3 mini leaves no bigger than an inch long. Obvs these will take years to grow up and I can’t wait that long! Think I need to buy one that’s a bit older. Does anyone know if they put out leaves of say up to 20cm in their 1st year when they’re this tiny?
    Ps. Thanks George for all your tips and vids over the last few years. You and Yorkshire Kris are my heroes and both amazing. I’ve named my new tree fern George and pleased to report he’s alive and putting out big fronds. I really thought it was a 6ft dead log I’ve been watering for nothing since it arrived in January. An expensive dead log at that. I kept the faith and took your advice and kept watering the big dead looking bugger, read it bedtime stories and kept it cozy and sure enough George made it and pulled through. He’s alive and flourishing thanks to your advice 🎉 😅

  6. George, you can't hide that you love your garden so much. And yes, we all learn from our mistakes…
    I still remember when i had my plant and cactus shop near Paris, one of the big mistakes I did was to put in display
    outside the shop, in a strong sun, some gorgeous Euphorbia (E.acrurensis, E. candelabrum and E.trigona).
    Many of them got a very bad sunburn 🙁 All the best for the coming months, we can't wait for some more footage! 💚

  7. Very good advise george.
    Have you ever grown cardoons? Ive got some in green house in small pots, but nothing happening yet . We all need SUN! All the best george . Regards steve👍

  8. I'm a mid May man myself. It's never a 100% guarantee that the weather will be good to plant out. But it's far safer than jumping the gun and taking the potential risk planting earlier.

  9. Another fine video George. Great advice. I know the pain of planting out just too early. Will not make that error again. I have sown seeds a month later this year, so I can not be tempted to plant out too soon.

  10. Hi George, How knowledgeable are you on T.Rex? My friend and I are wondering whether our t.Rex's are OK and whether we should snip- off the blackened tops of the as-yet barren trunks?

  11. I don’t even have a fully tropical garden, just a few large palms etc in pots but I watch your channel religiously. I’m in training I guess whilst I plan my next tropical plant purchase 😅

  12. Great video as always! ☺️ This year i have learned not to start canna seeds too early.. They grow fast.. We had 20c weather and now frost during the night… Starting from seeds is always a huge learning curve. I really Hope they Will survive, since its specie seeds. Now i got 40 seedlings screaming >~<. Cant wait for summer, All My hedychiums growing as well. Keep up the good work.

  13. I went mad planting as many things as I could when I first moved into my present house, and, yeah, I think I did put too many too close together but well, er, hey ho…🥴🤪🥴🤪

  14. Lost a lot of my garden due to extreme low temperatures so need advice of hardy jungle type plants. . Thanks.

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