Container Gardening

UPDATE! Ducklings, Container Gardening, The Orchard & a HUGE SURPRISE!

Hi there! Welcome to my channel. I’m Sheena and this is my lovely little homestead. I’m a homeschool mom of four – watch me as I learn to be more self sufficient with our family’s needs. Together we can learn new tasks and get back to our roots!


  1. This is just wonderful!!! We picked baby dandelions the other day. I like the greens as a child we used to have them sautéed in olive oil garlic and add scrambled eggs season and so good!!! Brings back memories ❤️ We have 6 acres of precious earth with woods to live on!!! I would love to try freeze drying methods as well!!!

  2. Great video! Enjoying your insight since I don’t seem to have much of a green thumb. The ducklings are so cute! 😊

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