Front Yard Garden

Later Spring in my Carolina Garden | April Garden Tour

Later spring in my Carolina Garden is even more exciting than the start of the season!! In this April garden tour, I’ll show you the new varieties of perennial plants and flowers that are blooming for our viewing pleasure!

I will show you my poolside flowerbeds, my backyard greenhouse, my gorgeous Wisteria that is abundant with lavender blooms, Phlox, Canna Lilies, Banana Trees, and so much more!!

I have many perennials in my garden that spread easily (hello Blanket Flowers!). You’ll see that as a recurring theme as we tour my landscaping. I do have some colorful plants and shrubs as well, that provide me color throughout the Winter. I live in Southeastern NC. Perhaps you have interest in what grows here in this sandy soil.

For more on gardening in North Carolina, and seeing how my landscape blossoms and expands, stick with me!


  1. hi Nicole, check the planting depth of your peonies, if they are planted too deep they will not put out bloom. Just a thought. Take care

  2. Love your garden. Your hard work is apparent as well as your love for doing it! Wish my Coneflowers looked like yours! I can only bring them back if planted in a deep pot (which I leave out all winter). If they are in the ground I never see them again. SE Pennsylvania; zone 7a

  3. Love the Spring time Yard Tour…My Dolce Wildberry (Charleston SC) prefers shade to the afternoon sun..if you see Heat Stress..take this in account…Cheers

  4. I live in Texas and looks like we have simular weather. I am increasing my plants with those who can take the cold mostly and the heat. I have more shade and sun combination area.i have the black branch Crapemertal but I don't believe it's getting enough sun. However I had another and it got to much morning sun. I am moving it. It setting new leaves but they look very week. Yours is great wish me luck and I will see if the move works out. I hope s o
    I have two very large pink Crapemertals and they take hardly any of my time and when they bloom they are fabulose!! About 15 ft or 18.ft. talk to you later. Keep up the great work you are doing. Texas

  5. Yeah I'm from Pennsylvania but I just want to let you know that the itoh peony is one that's more for the South so if you want to try it it's a mixture between a tree peony and a regular painting and they're beautiful they stand up better they have better color they don't get the black spot pride and goodbye

  6. Love the video, and your fun personality! Do you have a video of how exactly you took the shoot from your hydrangea and planted it to make another plant? I’m wanting to do the same thing myself. 😊

  7. Absolutely stunning! Love the tropical vibes around the pool. So happy to find a gardener in a similar zone (I'm up near Raleigh)! Looking forward to more updates and to watching your channel grow 🙂

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