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NEW WORLD ORDER – MOATS Episode 231 with George Galloway

GEORGE GALLOWAY ⎹ and The Mother Of All Talk Shows

🇺🇸 11AM PDT – 12PM MDT – 1PM CDT – 2PM EDT

🇺🇸 1PM PDT – 2PM MDT – 3PM CDT – 4PM EDT


  1. Deep state is the new government in the west democracies. They control and manage the politicians. The deep state had neo cons or convicts inside of them, the new convict board that plots and control the so-called rulers who are elected. Rulers are spineless. The deep state would twist and bankrupt them so quickly. The rulers are now abide with the deep state. This is the new government of the west democracies. The deep state rules. In China,there is no deep state but the people state. Each person rules in China.

  2. Celente! What a guy. Thanks for introducing another revolutionary, George!

  3. I don't endorse dynasties. FUCK Kennedy's, where the fuck has he been in the last three decades????

  4. Prof Seyed Marandi, what a gem! MOAT is the real rock'n roll hall of fame!!!!!

  5. While it's true that de-dollarization happened for the first time on an international scale and things are happening very fast amongst BRICS nations, USD is still, by far, the most used currency for international trade. Currently, I think all trades done in USD are still well above 90%. Having said that, USD will not hold the privilege of being the world reserve currency forever. It seems what we are seeing now are the first major cracks and major countries coalescing and seeking to trade outside of the dollar and this will, in all likelihood, eventually pick up speed amongst BRICS nations and more. So the implication of BRICS is clear. I can only say the US did this to itself by weaponizing the USD with its impositions of perpetual unilateral sanctions, seizing foreign reserves of other nations, and reckless money printing. I just hope the US will not cause another war. But I suppose this would be like hoping a bloodhound to go vegan.

  6. China is worth seeing for sure. It’s certainly not what I expected. Safest country I’ve ever been in. Friendly, hard working, happy people.

  7. I've studied the new world order (the new earth charter created by kruschev )this also involved a new earth centred cult of religion etc ,also Russia is prophetically pivotal as many will find

  8. Seyed Marandi is one intelligent professor . I’ve been following George and Gerald for many years. This was one of the most enjoyable podcast I’ve ever watched . Cheers 🍻

  9. Thank you for this great episode George. If this is true about this b52. I hope Russia get this information allso. It’s a sad world. Ruin by the elites and why. Only for money. We the people want to life in peace and harmony, with respect and love 💕.

  10. Fantabulous Work GG, A Brilliant Guest in Gerald Celente, A Man that gives it to you Straight with Zero BS! Thanks GG, You are Indefatigable!

  11. Thank you for all that you do, Sir. George Galloway. I did enjoy your guest, Mr. Gerald Celente, even though I didn’t agree with him on some issues, especially the COVID; but nevertheless, I did find him interesting , and very informative. Keep fighting for us, Sir. Galloway!

  12. The Rome of modern world is falling!
    Brace yourself for better, the more peaceful, more just and more prosperous world from all people and not just some.

  13. Agreed, George. There's no way in this universe that the Dem Party and the medias that own them will let RFK have a chance.

  14. WOLYN – Volynha – Why is the world so silent about the most disgusting m…assacre in the World's history made by Ukrainians against Poles. Does the world know about M…..assacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 43-45?

  15. George, enough prophesying about war between China & the USA. Instead, SHOUT TO THE HEAVENS that the common people of Taiwan province have an historic opportunity and are in a truly unique position to save the world…if only they have the guts to do what it takes.

  16. I'm not sure we should worry about the next war yet. The West hasn't fully lost the current one in Ukraine yet. We need to wait for them to get finished completely losing that one first.

  17. Kennedy will, as George says, not be permitted to win the DNC nomination. He should, as stated, run as an independent and invite Tulsi Gabbard to be his running mate. But even then, we should know by now that the globalists which control the US political system, will not allow their greatest opposition to lay hold of the US presidency. Best case scenario and Kennedy or DeSantis gets the popular praise, they (the global elite) will just rig the voting to bring yet another puppet politician into office.

  18. We ought not to forget that Russia broke international treaty and is acting lawlessly. Their invasion is unjustifiable under any sense of the term. It is the globalists who are the winners in this war and the POTUS is working for these globalists. The world is woven in a widow's web.

  19. yes, the two party system is two wings of the same vulture; it is part of the Hegelian dialectic of the global elite, founded by the Jesuit Order.

  20. The Wikipedia entry that tries to give a definition to 'New World Order' seems to need a little update because isn't that the pre-Iraq, pre Bush Snr definition? The more modern meaning would present the hegemonic, rules based order of the United States which intern will require an update to reflect multi-polarity somewhere down the road.

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