Garden Plans

Mega Momma’s Homestead Tour and 2023 Garden Plans

Yay! In today’s new homesteading mom video, I’m sharing with you my Mega Momma’s Homestead Tour and 2023 Garden Plans! **JOIN ME NOW for over 70% OFF-limited time!!** I share with you my homestead tour and garden plans for 2023 including what I’m planting, self-sufficiency goals, composting thoughts, spring garden developments and so much more. I share with you my homestead tour and plans for raising and butchering meat birds and pigs. I also share in detail about raising laying hens, rabbits, and goats. I answer many viewing friends’ questions including: Do we still milk goats? What about a milk cow? Do I have plans for a greenhouse, and will we ever be off the grocery store? I hope you enjoy this Spring 2023 homestead tour and garden plans!

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  1. I would compost, mulch and straw that area and do the 3 sister method…. Beans corn and squash. It will all grow and put nitrogen into the soil. It will pretty much look after itself. I don’t know if you get sugar cane mulch or similar …works a treat here.

  2. plant marigolds between all your tomato plants they help keep tomato bugs away and they work great I was raised on a tomato farm and that was the only thing we used no insecticide nothing just marigolds

  3. Leaves work super for summer mulch; as possible water under the leaves. In the back of your mind, consider where you might obtain organic leaves this coming fall. (Organic leaves come from untended yards and lawns which are simply mowed.) If this is possible, you will need to coral your leaves and pallets or chicken wire with t posts work; plus some type of cover. Optionally, cover your beds with upto "a lot" of leaves then cover with cardboard, burlap ORGANIC coffee bean bags, or a thrift store sheet (rips, holes, and stains welcome if they make the sheet cheaper).

    Further, as you go through the summer start looking for horse stables. You want a stable which is not surrounded by many weeds, barn cleanings piles not surrounded by noxious weeds, and not too far from your house. Pile and let "settle" or age and in the fall put 1/2" to 18" deep right on your beds. Till in or rake off whats remaining but, wait until the last minute before planting.

  4. Jamerrill, I think you are doing and learning what you need to in the order and time that is right for you.
    You are such a great example of what a woman can do.
    Something I really like about your videos is that you are always calm and laid back.
    I hope by watching you that a bit of that might rub off on me.🤞🏻
    I can hope can’t I? Haha

  5. It’s amazing to me the amount of work you manage to get done! It would be impossible for me to do what you do, unfortunately for me, I’m too much of a perfectionist. Bravo to you, I’d rather be getting more done than have the perfect everything. I do have a suggestion that will save you lots of work for several years. Instead of doing the cardboard and wood chips thing in the garden pathways, do woven weed fabric instead of the cardboard. You won’t have to redo the paths every year! You can leave the woven weed fabric uncovered or go ahead and put down wood chips if you want for aesthetics. Talk about a huge time saver and NO WEEDS! Good luck with your garden this year!

  6. You are in a new kitchen and pantry this year. From what I can tell, you are also expanding on your food preservation projects. Let this year help you organize, coordinate, and develop a food preservation rhythm; then guide your plant choices and possible staggered planting times next year. There is nothing like a 5 gallon bucket of green beans more than one day for a while when the tomatoes are coming in by the wheelbarrow full ripe and ready. In your down and sitting down time, do consider looking for the recipies and instruction sets in anticipation of harvest season now. Copy, photocopy, or scan potentials so that when it's show time you can shuffle pages and bring one right into the kitchen to use as the bowls, boxes, baskets, and wheel barrows of produce stand wilting in the harvest time heat.

  7. Take your weed eater and go through the garden pathways before you put down the cardboard. Get rid of all the grass and weeds first. You want have a problem with them growing back.

  8. That's a great piece of property you have. Also, the cat in the box at 37:12 is so cute and the calico is beautiful!

  9. Look to see if Dansom Plums will work in your area. The plums are small, juciey, and prolific. The trees are resoundingly hardy despite what happens to them. Of you have a half way happy tree, you will need to prop the limbs; a happy limbs will break branches unpropped.

  10. This fall, or during the summer heat, do consider making some shorter videos in the 5 to 30 minute range on individual business related topics, hints, helps, tips, and tricks.

  11. Hi Jamerril,
    I am going to be homeschooling my daughter this coming year. She will be going into 1st grade, but most curriculum I have found she will be going into year 2 math, and possibly year 2 reading depending on curriculum, but year 1 everything else. Do you have any suggestions on curriculum that is cheap or free?

  12. If Jamerill says they’re hostice, they’re hostice. Just like peanut butter candies are Reesy Cups. Jamerill said so. 😊

  13. We have a horse and have a compost pile of manure. But we put lime on the horse manure for 6 months before we can use it. You might want to try using lime on the manure.

  14. friends of mine put woodships on the beds, but – after a month, not even, it was clear that the plants did not like it at all, did not performe well, so they took them off and put back compost

  15. Might need to investigate this info if your rabbits aren’t reproducing…Poor physical condition, old age, disease, injury and inadequate nutrition are other factors that can cause reproductive problems. As a rabbit raiser, you should strive to keep your breeding animals in a trim, active and healthy condition for the best reproductive performance

  16. Try not to cut lawn till end of May because there are many insects growing that benefit the gardens and lawns
    We pick the dandelions as it makes excellent jelly, taste like honey
    You can pick and freeze until you’re ready to make it
    My daughter has her Master’s in restoration of the earth etc
    Planting clover like dandelions is great for bees plus you don’t have to mow it

  17. Not sure wood chips for mulch in your vegetable garden. I found this when researching using wood chips. Bark, and wood chips, because of their high carbon content, can cause “nitrogen lock-up”, where soil organisms actively consume the carbon in the wood chips, using available nitrogen in the process, and potentially depriving your vegetable plants of much needed nitrogen.

  18. Not a runway but a place for farriers to play at night. You are doing all the right stuff at the right time. God leads you and he has the plan. Its great you trust in it.

  19. If you have extra kale, it's excellent for rabbits. I grow extra just for my kids' rabbits.

  20. Wood chips are hard to work with after they are down. I regretted doing it for length of time it took for composting. Only in flower beds everywhere else they are wonderful.

  21. If your marigolds are anything like mine, you won't have to plant any next year. I have volunteer marigolds all over.

  22. I just love love these videos…I cook only for myself these days but always enjoy your videos❤

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