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Top 10 Nature Games with Chris, Bryan, Roy, and Camilla

The Spring Spectacular continues with Chris, Bryan, Roy, and Camilla discussing their Top 10 Nature Games.

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  1. For anthropomorphic animals, they take the place of humans. So a mouse as a farmer isn’t naturey to me. I was expecting Roy to have fantastical nature games on his list.

    Death Valley is also another desert-themed game. Aqualin is a good 2-player abstract sort of like Hive. Hive is about insects. Planet.

  2. I'm surprised that something was able to be a worse theme pick than So Clover 😂 Point Salad!! 🤣 hahaha hilarious pick

  3. Endangered: is it stressful and sad to choose between lobbying and saving individual animals in the front line…😢 haven't picked this one up yet… 🤔 💭

  4. Chris: Seikatsu acrylic tiles are superb quality– sold out everywhere (only its Pet version available) played on BGA but tactile tiles can't be beat! Back-ordered from Zatugames UK 😊

  5. Parks' tray insert and components are super deluxe! Imagine regular edition of all games are like that 😁 how much $ we'd save from buying deluxe…

  6. Chris! Ohanami is a hidden gem! A beautiful solitaire! 🌟 🌸 good choice

  7. Encyclopedia's Holy Grail's last few game titles 😢 so sad… 😊I'm glad I found a copy

  8. Chris / Camilla: what do you think of Meadow's expansion Downstream? A must have?

  9. How did this list have 1 extra person with a great amount of banter and yet still be only a few minutes longer than the list Karla, Wendy and Joey did? 😂

  10. Why aren't there more maps/boards for Sonora? It'd be so easy to slot in a new board

  11. How is Evolution not on any of these lists? That’s one of the most nature-driven nature-themed games out there

  12. What a funny and entertaining stream. I actually liked the bantering in this video. Honestly there are so many nature games to pick from I dont know which one I would choose as number one. Although, whilst I like Photosynthesis, I prefer Evergreen! 🙂 Great Video!

  13. My number one nature game is the crew. I pack that game in the backcountry. We play it during hunts and treks before spending nights under the stars many miles out in the middle of no where with no company but the moose, bears, deer, wolves and coyotes.

  14. I'd honestly say that Point Salad and Genotype would be about equally nature themed. Both are one level removed from being about nature directly. And Bryan's Harvest Dice Pick is really solid. Just because it's cultivated doesn't mean it's not natural. Especially if you consider the old way people thought about the term.

  15. Even if the nature theme is very light or close to non-existent, I'm more in line with Bryan than the others. At least, he didn't choose SUPERNATURAL creatures as a "nature" theme.
    If at least they were growing their forest like in "Living Forest"…

    But as much as I like those games: Everdell (supernatural creatures gathering resources and building their village), Spirit Island (godlike beings fighting a war against invaders) or Bitoku (japanese mythological creatures competing for promotion) are not valid picks for me.

    I do also kind of understand the argument saying that "putting animals in cages" (Ark Nova, Bärenpark…) is kind of the opposite of a "nature" theme. Not that I have anything against zoos personally.

  16. This video was a bit too shouty for my taste, and the lists were weird.
    But that's OK, I don't have to love every thing the DT does.

  17. I'm sad Canopy did not make it onto either nature list. Definitely an underrated game and gives all the nature vibes you could ask for!

  18. Don't turn your back on the Wolfpac, you might wind up in a body bag.

  19. I wish Bryan would slow down and pronounce his words so I could understand what he says.

  20. My two cents: it's all very funny but sometimes (often) you exaggerated to the extent that i can't realy hear what you're saying, then it becomes useless and not funny since I'm not in the joke. Still love and follow most of your content, so I just try to give a kind suggestion to not derail too much, please. Especially because i value most of your opinions and i love Nature games

  21. Thanks Camila for putting Genotype on the list! Not necessarily too nature, maybe more science related, however I love it😊

  22. I enjoyed the laughs and change in lineup with Bryan. Maybe because I'm that guy that can identify with him… maybe it's in the name.

  23. This is what a Top Ten video would have been like if Sam Healey consisted of 3 of the 4 people. One Sam Healey is enough in any video.

  24. Chris's list at the end looks suspiciously like Tom's Top 10 Video Games 😮.
    Loved the banter. Joey and Bryan threw some great off the rails curve balls at ya.

  25. Okay, I always love the Dice Tower videos and the entire crew, but this group together right here is fantastic together! So much fun chaos going in in the mix that it has me laughing so much, it's hilarious hahaha! Definitely need more Bryan in the videos with the chaos and randomness he brings hahaha 😂! When he pulled out Point Salad as his number 3, I was rolling! Great video everyone!

  26. OMG Bryan is chaos incarnate! I had a headache by the end, very funny but at the same time very draining. Thank you Dice Tower for bringing us another quality Top 10 List. (Now sedate Bryan).

  27. This was incredible 🤣🤣🤣 Joey and Bryan need to be on a top 10 together. In fact I think an ideal combo would be any 3-4 grouping of Joey, Milla, Mike, Zee, and Bryan. The banter would be unreal!!

    How can no one have this game mentioned? Area control that’s not a war game. Collector’s Edition is an excellent production. Total miss to not have on your list.
    ☀️ 🌧️ 💨 ❄️

  29. Sting was the best part of the Wolfpack. You never knew when he was going to drop out of the rafters with a baseball bat!

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