Front Yard Garden

INSPIRE Build Restore a garden full of garbage Clean plants transform and Create a beautiful House

INSPIRE Build Restore a garden full garbage Clean plants step by step create a beautiful House
-Welcome to the channel Clean up HT 86. We are (Clean Up 68) this is our 2nd channel. In this video is a free help to a family who has a garden and yard is a mess, lots of trash, a large tree that was cut off, a broken yard, a garden full of garbage. The trees are very old, the banana trees are aging over the years. We decided to rebuild the garden step by step. The first is to remove the old banana trees. remove the roots, we keep 6 healthy young trees for replanting, remove the garbage from the roots of the garbage trees. Make 6 lined holes for replanting. We rebuilt the water barrier, cut large trees, rebuilt the yard, the work took a lot of our energy. The end result is awesome. Hope you enjoy our project. Have a nice day


  1. 필림을 빨리돌리니까 웃기네요 ㅋㅋㅋ두분 대단합니다 팀워크 끝네주네유 ㅎㅎㅎ

  2. Я помню этот двор. Это было Ваше первое видео 11 месяцев назад. И опять помойка.

  3. У Вас столько талантов! И огромная работоспособность. Спасибо за видео!

  4. Это надо талант иметь, чтобы так замусорить участок! Но вы, ребята, похоже ,никакой работы не боитесь!!! И перед вами открываются такие интересные дома и территории!!! Вы хорошая слаженная команда . Удачи вам 🎉🎉🎉

  5. It is a beautiful house but it is to close hell OK some can imagine how much it cost for one bedroom and one and two bathrooms OK for the cost of do have the cost ok.god bless you house ok

  6. Какие трудолюбивые ,на все руки мастера,только впечатление портят эти зелёные стены,надо бы и их привести в порядок

  7. Quando vocês for tirar as raízes de bananeira,se não houver nenhum,inconveniente, coloque fogo por cima que as raízes dezidrata e sai com mais facilidade. Grande abraço ❤❤

  8. Meus amigos vcs são demais são ótimos fazendo um pouco de tudo por favor usem botas para proteção das pernas admiro muito o trabalho de vcs parabéns 👏👏👏

  9. Great work chaps, we could do with some hard workers like yourselves here in the uk

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