Container Gardening

container garden


  1. Wow, looking good Rob. Fig is doing well too. Yeah, the wind has been terrible with these storm systems coming through. Still didn't get much rain from them either. They're moving too fast which is typical for late March and April. The wind usually slows down and rain falls heavier and for longer in May.

  2. Good Morning Rob! I didn’t know that about cauliflower to cover the head. Great to know. Your cabbage look really good. I didn’t plant any this season. I like to grow many varieties of tomatoes. I lost several of my figs this last year. I need to grow a few figs in containers. This wind has been horrible and that is why I am nit doing a lot of videos! I ha e a two year old bell pepper plants they look rough as well but producing. I think I am going to plant them outside. Your plants are thriving and they look amazing. Praying the wind chills out so I can get some things done. Have a blessed day! Wendy🙏🏻🇺🇸

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