Japanese Garden

Welcome Back To “THE LAND” , What Happened to All My Cars?? / S4E49

Personal IG: @e_ought
Merchandise: @kyosozoku (http://kyosozoku.com)
Car Needs: @behrens_garage
Intro Filmed Edited by @carljordanmontalban


  1. I saw some of your videos in japan. So does this mean that you have moved back to the US? stupid question but just curious lol

  2. always good to see a family not struggling with big money to follow their you tube dream, all the cars look fking cool though, nice

  3. as someone whose lived in cali their entire life its definitely the dream to own land out here

  4. Goddamn man get a couple outside cats, make sure they’re spade or neutered. Farmers been using barn cats for 100 years to protect from pests eating grain/feed, seriously they’re almost a necessity. Cats are survivors and they’re appreciative, they’ll bring you little dead “presents” for giving them an awesome home like that lol. You can even put a little doggie door in the garage and they’ll have that place on lock no cap.

  5. Okay bro wait a minute wait a minute that fucken intro has me going crazy how tffffff and I'm high bruh this isn't helping 😂😂

  6. I feel your white s15 and the supra with the blitz is something you should keep forever

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