
Field Trip! Tips from a successful organic gardener as we tour his garden.

We visit with a successful, long time organic gardener, look around his garden, talk about his huge compost pile, garden tonics for your hose end sprayer, tomatoes, veggies, peanut pumpkins, grapes, and more!

Reaganite71 is now Tiki71 to reflect our love of tropical gardening, palm trees, and all things TIKI! I’m the same guy, just older, with a beard, and now I’m growing out instead of up thanks to Katiie’s cooking.

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👍🏼 I absolutely DO recommend Amazon on live plants that you can’t get locally. Several of our multi-year tropicals have come from good suppliers on Amazon (like (Logee’s, American Plant Exchange, Cold Hardy Farms, Costa Farms, Old Oaks Nursery, Hirts, etc.) and arrived alive and well.

🌴 🍷 Okule Maluna! 🥂 🌴


  1. He soaks his seeds overnight in a strong regular drinking tea, pour the tea into a small container, add your seeds. The next day he pours the seeds out onto a paper towel, pats them dry and then plants them. They then get watered in with compost tea. 😉

  2. The video was fantastic, thanks for sharing. I have 2 questions could you please tell me how much dawn and how much mouth wash get added to the mix?
    Thank You

  3. Thank you! I actually made a video on the All Purpose Greenup & bug tonic (if you look in my other videos above) where I show you all the ingredients, how to mix them, and the amounts 😉

  4. I cannot express how impressed I am by your Dad's garden. You guys are wonderful. Keep all the good advice coming. I subscribed!!!

  5. Nottin, I have an old sears leaf and limb grinding machine I use to grind up small sticks, and the leaf hopper is great for pulverizing the leafs, which when mixed with grass clippings then over sprayed with the tonic(can of beer, can of cola and 8oz of ammonia) helps to make great organic compost in about 7 to 10 days, thanks for your intrest keep watching and good growing…
    Reaganite's Dad

  6. Thank you for sharing ur gardening tips. I just started following your son on u tube yesterday. I love what I am seeing. You have taken me back to school and I am taking notes. The compost is what I can't wait to try and the compost tea. Thank you again.

  7. You and your dad are awesome! I am about to start my compost bin tomorrow and I can't wait to start my garden next year! I am subcribing to your channel so it can help me through it all. 🙂

  8. You're very welcome. I hope it's cooler where you are than where I am. Once I get home from work, I can't stand anymore heat LOL.

  9. Some people use it instead of water. If you're using completed/cooked down compost it won't hurt or burn your plants and it gives them nutrients and beneficial bacteria 🙂

  10. what is the white pipe at the end of the bed? Is it some kind of irrigation? If so i would love more info. I want to add irrigation to my beds.

  11. Yes it's water pipes for irrigation. In the next few weeks, I'll be doing a series of videos on drip irrigation and piping when I redo my 4 x 4 beds into 4 x 30' runs of garden bedding.

    Stay tuned 😉

  12. The "Drunken Compost" formula in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer is great at breaking down leaves and grass clippings. A can of beer, a can of cola and 8 oz. of ammonia and spray it in layers in your pile. in seven days, till or turn the pile by hand and let the beneficial bacteria that produces and feeds go to town 😉

  13. Went to Chinamart last evening. Purchased my inaugural ingredients for CT and the tonic…can't wait to begin composting and treating with stuff!

  14. Loved this video with you both, very informative thank you for sharing! A beautiful garden, wish you lived down the road would be visiting ya both often!

  15. That "tonic water" can be sprayed on the entire vegetable plant? Including the leaves? Is that an old family secret or something your dad learned about years ago? How often do you spray it?

  16. Hi, I'm a new subscriber, I found your videos just yesterday. My husband and I are new to gardening and I am loving your videos! Your Dad is such a treasure! Does he use sweet or unsweetened tea to soak the seeds in? We are going to make some tonic and compost tea this weekend. I'm excited to see how it helps with our S.C. red clay, sure can't hurt it lol.

  17. I did a video just a few weeks ago on making compost tea in a rain barrel and one last year on an all purpose green up tonic. If you check my new channel page layout, I have them in categories that are pretty easy to locate. Thank you for watching 😉

  18. I know that at the end of each growing season you need to add compost back into your beds so that you put nutrients back in, but what do you do at the end of a growing season and you find that your raised beds are full and they have reached their capacity for holding any more compost? Do you take some of the old compost out so that you have room for more compost? If so, how much? Eventually your beds will not be able to hold any more compost even with the settling of the compost over time.

  19. lol on the bloopers and the pitch for speech therapy donations!!!
    Dad has a great garden too. 🙂
    Need a more precise recipe on the all purpose tonic.

  20. Like father like son, good looking guys.  Anyway I like the way your dad organize his gardening.  His composting materials look very helpful because plants are more bigger and healthy.  Bug control formula is very helpful. I love that Okra as well,  I tried planting but no success because of the weather. I have a lot of Christmas balls, and my tomato started having fruits, so i will start hanging my Christmas balls. Thank you sharing tips about gardening.

  21. When the video started I thought that must be his dad. Your apple did not fall far from that tree. Absolutely lovely video. I did have one question about he tobacco. What did your dad say to use, some sort of plug? Thanks for sharing. Obviously a whole lotta knowledge there. Blessings   Janice

  22. Great video. Got a lot of useful information. Your dad is great. I can see you both have a great relationship. You need to cherish every day your together and make those memories.  Can't wait to give your dads tonic a try. Keep up the good work.

  23. Student of Jerry Baker? My dad was an avid follow of him as well. Those tonics were made popular from him doing KMart Gro center commercials back in the 80s.

  24. Love the Video. I really like the information and the Dad Son relationship. I am trying to get my retired dad back into it. He does a lot of flowers. I finally came to the point in my life that I love growing vegetables. Anyways Steve in Volunteer Country checking in. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more videos. Thanks Gentlemen

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