Garden Design

Surprised with how to grow strawberries in plastic tubes | Big, sweet and fruity

Surprised with how to grow strawberries in plastic tubes | Big, sweet and fruity

#strawberries #fruit #garden


  1. Wow! You think all idiots watch your video? Plant strawberry seeds, then replant totally different plants and get strawberries? I've grown strawberries from seeds and know how seedlings are supposed to look like.

  2. Какие сказки))) рассада клубники из семечки не такая.

  3. I planted my strawberries in used protein buckets with holes drilled in it. When they produce runners, I plan on planting those in ground and see if I can get a “wild” strawberry patch to grow.

  4. Congratulations, this project looks easy to produce these delicacies that I always use in my desserts, thanks for sharing. que tengas exitos.

  5. Mis respetos a tierra garden porque siempre han subido buenos videos , pero en este creo que hay cosas falsas, por ejemplo los retoños no me parecen de fresas.

  6. Все восторгаются и мало кто обратил внимание, что из семян клубники проросла рассада редиски 😅

  7. Gerçek bir çilek buladar salkım meyva vermez ve bukadar meyva aynı anda olgunlaşmaz. Çilek meyvası hergün toplanabilir oldukça hızlı olgunlaşırlar ve o şekilde çürürler.

  8. Strawberries like fertile, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. In poor or heavy soil, it's preferable to plant them in raised beds, which provide better drainage and increased rooting depth. They grow best and produce the sweetest fruits in full sun, but will tolerate some shade.

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