Container Gardening

3 Reasons to Grow Potatoes in Containers

In last season’s container potato growing trial, we tested two different potato varieties in fabric and plastic containers. On the results page, I show you the growing equipment and methods we used, and compare the yields of our container grown potatoes with our field grown potatoes.

You can find those results here:
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  1. We're not supposed to be eating potatoes that are white they are in Nightshade. They are loading your body with toxic amount of alkaloids cresting the pineal gland in your brain and the pineal gland in the heart. You need to stop eating Nightshade plant start growing beneficial plants and flowers especially the plant comfrey, prayer plant and heal all plant.

  2. Ok am I an idiot? Where is this "description" you keep talking about on the shorts?

  3. I live on a canal boat in the UK. I grow everything in containers. Am experimenting with hydroponics. Smaller containers and less weight equals more space to grow and bigger crop. Plus, water I have , but soil I need to buy. Have just found a way to grow hydroponic potatoes in perlite. REAL excited for this.

  4. I grow my potatoes and sweet potatoes in containers every year. I live in New Mexico, so our soil isn’t suited for potato growing, plus, I can move the potato pots to some shade if they are getting too much direct Sun in the hotter months when temps go above 100. My tomatoes and peppers love the direct summer sun, but my potatoes, not so much 😂

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