Edible Gardening

Planting Caladium Bulbs, Outdoor Bunny Enclosure Updates & Mountain Lions? Outdoor Adventure

Today we are planting tropical bulbs. In this video it will feature the Caladium Bulbs by Proven Winners. (not a sponsored video) We didn’t realize there were so many coming in, so we had to go and get more materials from my dad down the road, which led us into the chicken coop.
Then we will do a quick update on the outdoor bunny enclosure since they have now been moved out of the greenhouse. We share what we have changed, how it held up, and what we would do differently. When the sun is setting we go on an outdoor adventure, we start noticing tracks in the field and we believe its a mountain lion. other evidence has shown up on our outdoor nighttime cams.
We hope you enjoy this video, and thank you for watching!

Feel free to follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @CaseyLynnLawrence


  1. Better to have the girls watched, if that cat is out walking his territory😦, have you ever seen them around before?

  2. Bobcat is a possibility. Wisconsin also has grey fox that is a possibility. Coyote farmers usually dispatch. As red and grey foxes kill chickens and livestock. Safety and knowing your in the country. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing more.

  3. Hi, I would like to discuss merchandise. Where can I contact you to send more information?

  4. I always enjoy watching your videos and have for years from your herb medicinal uses the gardening and flowers. I only have one question if you could answer I would appreciate greatly if you would share what soil do you use to plant your bulbs,flowers, vegetables as well as your herbs in I have tried soil after soil and have killed so many plants from strawberries two blueberry bushes on and on could you please help me? Thank you in advance if you could share this with me I would greatly appreciate it
    I am fully aware that you know what you're talkin about as well as you know what you're doing that's why I feel like I can come to you!

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