Gardening Trends

Why you’re reading less (my marathon strategy 💪).

Want to read more books? About to tackle a study project or a book marathon and need some tips? Here’s some of my methods for consuming more fiction and have a good time doing it.

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  1. Honestly, this video is so brilliant that I am rewatching it (and, yes, taking notes!) and even told my partner about it.
    Any tips on not getting breakfast splatter on the book? 😅

  2. I attempted it and did not get anywhere NEAR all 16. I’ll end up having done 10 and am pretty happy with that!

    Great tips though, and excellent use of Trello 💯

  3. the lengths you've gone to for structure as a mood reader are SO impressive 🤯 i'm a very much not-mood reader, so i order my tbr in a category sequence, five books at a time, and clock 100 pages a day, pretty much every day––one book at a time, always. love this glimpse into your system, i never would've come up with it!

  4. i've got really stuck on "waterproof shower headphones" because that is something I've always known I needed but didn't realise was a legitimate thing.

  5. I pretty much read anywhere but really enjoy reading in bed. I do think if you want to read more you have to have the currently reading book at hand. You would surprised how often you have about 10 to 15 minutes down time which can be one to two chapters depending on the book. Or be willing to schedule in large chunks of reading time into your schedule. But you have to be ruthless with not using that time for anything else.

  6. This was great. I’ve seen a few videos about how to read more, but I think this was easily the best. I especially loved the sections on categorizing books and making sure you take some time to dig into the book at the beginning.

    I’ve gotten into a thing where I’m reading 4-5 books at a time, and finishing 8-11 in a month. A couple of years ago I would have told you that was impossible. I do categorize my books, but slightly differently: Audio (yes!, audio books rock! I like them best for classics and non-fiction), short stories and collections, physical books, and Kindle books. Oh, and Graphic Novels. I typically plan my reading around the times of day. Morning reading is for physical books, non-fiction, and long reads. Lunch is for short stories. Afternoon during work is for audio. Early evening is for fast paced fiction. Before bed is for re-reads or books in a series I’m working on. Graphic novels come out on the weekends.

    I do plan out how many chapters I want to read in each book each day, and try to stick to it. And if I fall behind, I try to catch up ASAP. I’m on track to read over 100 books this year, which feels nutty to me!

  7. Get yourself a waterproof Bluetooth speaker! That’s how I read in the shower – absolute game changer

  8. the way I got more reading in the last couple years was trying to get at least 15 minutes in over my lunch at work, if not more of my hour lunch ❤️

  9. I’ve gotten back into reading lately and what I’ve found helpful is having a minimum reading goal everyday.
    So for my first two books my minimum goal was 5 pages a day everyday. Most days I’d end up reading more, but having that minimum goal got me in the habit of reading each day while not feeling overwhelmed.

  10. I use an app called Forest (there are other tools like this) which blocks your phone either for a set time period which you set or as a stopwatch. Because I tend to get distracted when reading and then start scrolling.

  11. Reading in the shower is genius! Why haven't I thought of that! I do often listen to music, we have a JBL speaker that's waterproof so I have my phone in the corner of the bathroom and the speaker much closer by. It gives better sound than my phone (actuall bass tones?!) and I can change the volume with my wet hands without fearing for the life of my phone!

  12. READING AN AUDIOBOOK IS READING! Bugs the stuff out of me when people say it isn't. It doesn't matter how the book gets into my head. I never hear a parent reading to a child calling it anything but reading.

  13. I'm only lucky that my workplace is 30 train-minutes away from home or else I wouldn't be able to read at all. Apart from children's books. Some of which I know by heart by now. 🙄

  14. you had me until the trello board. girlie that is either unhinged or genius. and im not sure which.

  15. I love the idea of creating a Trello board to plan out what to read this year. I have had so much fun setting up my board. I’m hoping to work through a good chunk of my TBR pile but have left room for fun, new books that’s I’ll discover throughout the year. So satisfying to see it all laid out on the board.

  16. FANTASTIC tips Leena! Thank you! My favorite places to read are on the couch or in a coffee shop (physical books) or on public transport/in the shower (audio).

  17. I don't think I will be trying this way of reading anytime soon, but I am inspired by the planning Trello system you have in place! I think I will steal it for other purposes ^^ And I just finished "finding the mother tree" by Simard. She tells the story about her life and research in discovering the wisdom of the forest. Absolutely loved it.

  18. OMG. The organizational/data dork in me LOVES this. Also, I kind of love planning my reading just as much as I love reading (my numerous spreadsheets show for this). Can't wait to try a similar method!

  19. That "establishing hour," tip is sooooo important for me 😂. I'm also a mood reader and 90% of the time I pick up a book and think, "oh no, this opening is kinda bad." But then in retrospect my opinion ALWAYS changes because it definitely takes me a FULL hour to really get into a book.

  20. Lena, this is honestly amazing and I love it. The only category that doesn’t suit my lifestyle is Travel because I cycle to work, otherwise these categories are perfect and the strategies, oh my, perfection 🤌🏻 Thank you for sharing your strategies.

  21. But if I read while I eat breakfast when am I gonna watch Leena?! you set me up for the day ! 😀 ! more seriously thankkk youuu for this one, I'm so into your Trello board btw

  22. I never even considered that I'm reading the 'wrong' books for the train! What a clever but simple trick to look at page numbers… every time I catch my subway and ride I think to myself 'wow, I didn't have enough time to finish this!' and still I've never thought about that as a solution!

  23. Memoirs narrated by the author, or Bahni Turpin and anything educational, audiobooks are my preference

  24. You should make a video of you reading other youtuber's books. I think it could be interesting 🙂

  25. This is good advice! I loved reading as a kid but never ever do it anymore.
    I'm an orchestra musician so my ears can get kind of tired from work – I really think it would be nice to spend some time reading paper. I travel a lot so maybe its time for some train books

  26. What a fun video! It turns out that I have already got equivalent methods/tips to my reading habits that are customised to my life!
    Non-fiction is my before bed and lunchbreak reading, audio is what I listen to when I'm doing a big chunk of tedious drawing for uni, and fiction is what I go to for longer chunks of time. I mostly read historical fiction so I just sort my stack by year and tend to pick based on what time period I'm vibing with at the time.
    Also I started reading Five People You Meet in Heaven last night! I bought it after your book burning video and it seems so far like exactly the literary balm I've been wanting for my recent bereavement. Thank you Doctor Leena 🙂

  27. The best thing I did for myself and also for my reading habits, is just switch reading time during the day when I usually scroll on my phone. for me, it's while eating breakfast, on public transport, and before bed. I do have dedicated times during the day when I read, but switching scrolling to reading has helped a lot not only with reading more but also with my mental health. you do need a few days of gentle discipline to make it a habit because the force is strong with scrolling.

  28. I'm not trying to achieve any great target but I've been in a massive reading slump and between one thing an another I hadn't fully read a single book since this time last year.
    I took a few little ideas from this video and low and behold, I've finished 3 books this week 🎉

  29. I love the establishing hour so much! So many times I get lost in books and lose track of all the characters, so that would be really helpful.

    Right now I'm reading The Yellow Kitchen by Margaux Vialleron, it's a beautiful book about women and friendship and food and possibly also some queer vibes (let's see where it ends up…). Also the cover is gorgeous. I used to be a train reader but I have less patience for it now because of all the background noise. My favourite and ideal place to read is just snuggled up in a big comfy chair with a blanket and a cup of tea and some peace and quiet! More granny mode than goblin mode!

  30. I really struggle with maintaining attention whilst reading these days. Usually after a couple of pages I'm fidgety and wanting to look at something else on my phone. 🙁

  31. Audiobook recommendation short listen so nice for a longer drive. Chitty chitty bang bang reas by David Tennant

  32. I looooove reading in (or on if it's summer) bed. now that my daughter is nearly 5 I've been able to start reading more again and it's bliss for my brain. I've even started reading on the couch in the day when she's playing – I think it helps her in her independent play, but also sets the example that quiet moments can be filled with glorious books. Tbh I started that train early with her and she loves books <3 winning

  33. Lol I had not realized I was actually following a similar strategy, but completely unconsciously. My categories might be a bit different. I have my Audiobooks(split by app 1.Audible 2.Scribd), my “main” (usually a book series I am reading/reserved for LONG books, fantasy series etc-Low priority/finish whenever, meant to be read slowly ), my “side” (shorter books, graphic novels or anything really-higher priority/more short term deadline ), my “scrollies”(something short and fun for my phone,separated by app 1)kindle 2)Scribd), my actual Kindle (1 book at a time usually). Out of those, anything on a device is what I use to pass out at night 😂 somehow I managed to knock 40 books so far like this in 2023.

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