Backyard Garden

My Spring Greenhouse Tour, Part 2, The Bonsai Zone, April 2023

Here is a spring update of all my bonsai trees on the right hand side of the greenhouse!
This is continued from part 1.

To see previous bonsai bench tours, click on the playlist here…



  1. That spruce in the burlap bag seems like the perfect opportunity to try an exposed root planting (negari I think the cool kids call it). Since it is halfway there on its own.

  2. Really nice footage of the hoverfly on the cherry tree! Looks a lot like Helophilus fasciatus.

  3. Wow so many lovely trees and all from just the right hand side of your marvellous greenhouse.

  4. This is the type of videos that I love! Watching them growing year after year, and also the process to get where you are..amazing job Nigel👌

  5. Not knowing what seeds have been planted is one of my problems this spring to. I have about 200 seeds in seed trays, 4 different species. And I only remember 3 of them 😂, time wil tell. I have been out for five days because of covid, this is the first video I watch in 5 days and realy enjoying your excellent tour Nigel! Thanks for your content!

  6. I just love the strong new green growth on the shaggy larches and the little spruce. Larches are my favorites wherever I see them. It is so good to see some of your trees in their wild stage for a change.

  7. What a wonderful way to start my day. After many years of following the progress of these trees it’s almost like looking at familiar family photos. Thanks for a wonderful tour. Keep growing

  8. London Planes are a hybrid and their seeds are sterile. If yours are seedlings then you might want to reconsider their identity unless your friend went and manually cross bred the two different species to create the London Plane 😊

  9. I remember 5yrs ago my little bald cypress was as big as a pencil, I put it in the ground, watered/fed the heck out of it daily and when I uncovered mulch from the base yesterday it's starting to get the awesome fluting on it! This is my prized tree so very exciting. My final style I'm going for is a single flat top specimen. Many years to go but what a species indeed! Thanks for the tour Nigel, your collection is looking beautiful, spring is here baby!!

  10. The red tronc très was …i think a " cornouiller rouge arbustif " its difficult to make branche on this tree good luck

  11. Beautyfull collection.
    This insect was not a bee, it's a sort of colorated fly. It has only 2 wings (diptera). Hymenopteras like bees have 4 wings.

  12. Got a laugh out of me at the thousands of purple smoke bush seedlings. I just had a similar experience with my serviceberry. I went out one morning to check on my trees, and saw about 100 sprouts in my serviceberry pot. I didnt know what they were, so I left them until I saw the first set of true leaves, and realized they're all SERVICEBERRY! YAY! 😂

  13. At 29:10 you might be able to do an exposed root planting for that spruce tree that shot it's roots down through the burlap. Might be worth it at least to leave it like that and expose some of the upper roots to see how it looks. Just an idea 😊

  14. Glad you're feeling well enough to continue this tour, Nigel. I'm going to ask my friend down the street if I can get a couple of cuttings from her lilac, just so I can hear that music whenever I look at it! Also, a drinking game I'd surely fail: take a drink for every plant Nigel shows and you say, 'Oh, I want one of those!'.

  15. Such a nice update! I really liked the flowering cherry tree at the end. With such a large collection do you have one favorite?

  16. The elm at about 21:30 — are there other videos about that one? I always seem to have lots of these and would love to see how you handle it!

  17. Rose of Sharon makes great Bonsai. Mine is one of my favorite trees. It blooms in late summer/early fall, which means it will bloom AFTER I’ve defoliated and pruned in June.

  18. Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus). Many websites indicate that it is "…an excellent choice for indoor bonsai." It is winter hardy in the ground in Boise, but needs some protection if in a bonsai pot. I appreciate the extraordinary variety of species you are bringing along into bonsai-hood. I am experimenting based on your inspiring videos. Who says you can't turn these plants into bonsai. After all, the Japanese create chrysanthemum bonsai!

  19. I think those smoke bush plants were actually vinca / periwinkle plants. If you need groundcover somewhere, divide this planting up into 6-8 clumps, spread them over the groundcover area, and they'll be great.

  20. I have a feeling my big knightshade bonsai died this winter. No buds so far. Great to see yours looking so healthy!

  21. awesome video as always!! 🙌🏻

    Would you consider giving the two little jade cuttings to a faithful wacher of your channel? 🥺🙏🏻

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