Gardening Supplies

Harvest agricultural products & vegetables to in the market sell | Life Outside Freedom

Harvest agricultural products and vegetables to sell in the market


  1. Itu gedebong pisang untuk dijual memang bisa dimakan ya .kalau yg. Satunya seperti daun pakis itu di negeriku 9ndonesia juga ada enak kalau dimasak sayur gulai. Selamat beraktifitas untuk berdua semoga sukses selalu.

  2. Aw phuc put Sun’s hat on for her. That’s so cute. Working hard as always. Great to see you two selling products at the market and making some money for yourselves. Hugs from Australia

  3. Meus amigos ,diferente do Título ,a vida de vcs é a verdadeira liberdade. Amo seus vídeos. Brasil.

  4. seria interesante para nosotros, que pusierais el nombre de los árboles y plantas que recogéis, pues al estar en otro clima, no tenemos conocimiento de ello, saludos desde España

  5. I must be mixed up. I thought you got the center of the tree from Palm trees. But those didn't look like palm. I'm hopelessly confused. 😉🙃😉🙃🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜💜loved the video.

  6. Dziękuję za piękny i bardzo ciekawy film.
    Pozdrowienia z Polski ❤️❤️❤🖐️🇵🇱👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🌞🌞🌞

  7. I'm so glad you are making videos of your lives together. I love all the work you are doing on your home and land. Keep up the good work.

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