Front Yard Garden

Saved $300 Dewalt 12″ Cordless Chainsaw Cutting 25′ Tree

Dewalt 12″ Cordless Chainsaw Cutting My Front Yard Tree

When my neighbor was getting his tree cut down, I asked the guy to come and estimate how much it would cost to my tree down because it was getting into the 2nd story. It doesn’t look tall because the videos didn’t capture the top half but it’s about 22′ to 25′ tall. The tree cutter estimated that it would cost $275 to cut it but I”ll have to hire another person who has a grinder to come out and do the stump.

Long story short, I decided to use that money to buy the Dewalt 12″ Cordless Chainsaw which was also around the same price. I get to keep the chainsaw after the work is done.

The 5mah batter lasted throught the whole cut. As you can see, the chainsaw was use to disarmed all the bigger limbs and branches. The smaller twigs were done by loppers which my kids had no problems with.

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