Vegetable Gardening

Planting Cucumbers. How & Why We Do It This Way!

We are planting cucumbers today and we want to share how and why we plant and grow them this way. We have had great success with this method. If you are looking for seeds, please check out the below company, we have had fantastic germination, and so far great plants.


  1. Mine r in a tall raised bed and r about 2 feet tall now. I put some extra polycarbonate panels over them for 2 weeks after planting starts. Kinda made a greenhouse effect over them. I sowed all my cucumber and squash seeds in 3" square cell pack pots , put on heat at 80° and put grow lights on . Sowed on a Monday and every seed was up 4 days later. I've never had
    such perfect cucumbers. 1st time I did them this way. They have big thick stems.

  2. I had not thought to sow blackeyed peas to be transplanted. I am going to give it a try and go ahead and sow some today. Would be easier to keep watered for germination. I had a bumper crop of cukes last year, so only growing a couple of plants for fresh eating this year. Loving the weather right now.

  3. Not planting cucumbers this year because of space limits. I won't be planting squash until at least July in hopes the squash bugs have moved on. We have animal feed tubs started with pie pumpkins and watermelon. Thanks Jill for the how to video.
    Remember ya'll to Pray, Plan, Prep

  4. Hey Jill & Greg. I remember growing up my father would grow cucumbers on the ground and he did real good. WOW look at them beets. Totally agree with companion planting. Tomato and basil, peppers and cilantro and carrot and dill. Weather is real nice this spring with rain and mild temps. Good to see yawl are doing good. God Bless. Mike

  5. Hi Jill! I thought I'd try holding off cucumbers and zucchini till May to try and avoid the squash vine borers. I have self watering 5 gallon buckets I'm trying out this year and they all will have new/fresh raised garden soil from Espoma. But we've been mild (I'm not too far) and have had all this nice rain. I'm nervous that I should be getting a jump on them now. What are you thoughts?

  6. I kept adding cucumber seeds to my flats because they took forever to germinate. I was worried mice may have eaten them. Nope. They are ALL sprouting now and I have way too many to plant. Oh well better too many than not enough. ❤

  7. Beets look wonderful. Starting tomatoes ,peppers and such. After watching will be starting companion plants also. Hopefully ground will start to warm up here in northwest Missouri

  8. Hey there….what gorgeous plants, lady….just beautiful. You and Greg are a great source of encouragement to us….keep on trying no matter. And if something works good, DON'T CHANGE IT!! LOL And that's the truth.
    I am chomping at the bits to get some things in the ground but am waiting for the soil to warm up also. I believe when it does warm up things will really blast off.
    Do you take your starts to a Farmer's Market or do you have another way of selling them? Thanks again for the help. Have a terrific rest of the week. Jesus bless.

  9. Hey! This comment is off subject but is it too late to plant potatoes? I am near Sherman Texas. Thank you!

  10. Looks beautiful Jill! Greg did a good job too!
    Way to go you two! Can’t wait to see how well it all does!!!
    God bless 🙌🏼✝️❤️‍🔥💯‼️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  11. Got 12 jars done today. Went to an estate sale and found 13 jars for 4.50!! I checked our Walmart were 14 00 for pints!! You're really getting it done. I'll check my containers in the morning. A lady in Hickory Creek gave me some dried fern types that have thorns that seem to discourage squirrels!! Take care, God bless.

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