Gardening Supplies

Hydroponic gardening at home short compilation part 1

Our new phone comes tomorrow to make more video’s for you guys we can’t wait I’m so excited, I want to show you guys everything. For now here is a compilation of my shorts since that’s all I have really been able do on a full storage iPhone. I appreciate you guys and your comments so much and the support you guys have given us recently is amazing, I love talking to you guys in the comments and getting to share our passion.

Here is a link to all he gear we use and affiliate for on Amazon I greatly appreciate any purchases, it directly helps us and the channel grow.

Mars hydro discount codes for some products I affiliate for them as well.
TS LED Grow Light, Tent, Ventilation- COUPON-518 Discount 3%
FC&FC-E&SP LED Grow Lights; Grow Tent Kits- COUPON-321 Discount 5%

Have a great day thank you so much for your time 😀


  1. Yes my friend I'm definitely a long video watcher. Probably cause I'm a old bastards. Then again Great job you guys❤❤❤

  2. Congratulations. Great to see you're moving to long format videos.
    I recently purchased two Spider Farmer 2X4 tents and have been testing the water with microgreens. Have a couple of trays with leafy greens started and one with cherry tomatoes. I don't really have the space to set up an NFT system but I think I can squeeze a few buckets into the tents.
    Best of luck.

  3. Love your content. Very informative and love the little jokes thrown in (poor neglected celery)

  4. Glad to see the younger generations, interested in healthy gardening! You two are a adorable couple too. Thank you for all of the valuable info. Curious as to what state/ country that you garden in?

  5. I enjoyed watching this. Thanks! Im learning more & more from you. Keep up the good work

  6. Your shorts are a lot of FUN! I really like all your projects you have going on…. plus it's great your wife seems to like them too. I'd love to grow a bay tree like you too. Do you have a link to get a start for one of those? I'm in zone 6b so I know it would have to stay in during our cold winters. Thanks again for giving us clean growing medium ideas to work with for small spaces.

  7. Cool job guys. Always good to just catch a few shorts in between chores.
    You helped me with strawberry advice. So im grateful for anything you post… or else I wouldn't have found you.

    Much love from Down Under, Aus. ❤🤙

  8. Dang my friend….I love all of this your doing. Awesome! Thank you for your candor and happy growing!😊

  9. Could you make some videos on strawberries and a little more in depth I am just starting into the world of Hydroponics trying to glean as much information as possible. I like that you have done many different types of plants and had much success. Keep up the great work of sharing your successes and not so good times as well.

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