Japanese Garden


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Rachel Ballinger
2674 East Main Street
Suite E 647
Ventura, CA 93003


  1. Rachel! I'm so glad you're enjoying Seattle. I'm from Seattle. I'd go find you if I could! Enjoy your time ❤ also… what is the restaurant where the donuts were from

  2. I had one bullseye the bald spot on the top of my head once, consider yourself lucky that it just got on your jacket.

  3. Thanks for the nature it's nice to be able to hang with hallyn this trip ok nobody get sick love you have fun

  4. I love when Abbie was like…”You don’t have to explain yourself.” 🙌

  5. What's up Rachel and Abbie, how was the women's basketball NCAA game? Nice breakfast! I have been to a place like that, love being outside. Have a safe vacation in Seattle. Hugs.

  6. They say its good luck. One time my grandpa got pooped on by a seagull and it burned a hole in his hat. No joke

  7. If you can’t make fun of and be “mean” to your friends, then it’s not a true friendship

  8. Love to see that Abbie is there to remind you that having boundaries with the internet is okay

  9. I like how at 4:38-9 in the video while Rachel was talking, Abby in the background said something about , "Dead body" and I quickly was like, "whaaaatt??" Lmao
    Like, what the heck Abby talking about 😂😂😂

  10. What’s up Rachel ? Good morning to you I’m so glad that you are doing your new video vlogs !!! I love them !!! ❤

  11. I got pooped on before, like bare skin. Thankfully I was going tubing so I was able to wash it off in the water. Someone told me that it’s supposed to be good luck but I don’t know how something so unlucky could be considered lucky 😂

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