Vegetable Gardening

Easter No Dig Garden Spring Clean – Guess What’s Changed?

Easter weekend is here and we have completed much in our no dig garden and many changes have taken place!

Welcome to the No Dig Norfolk Gardener and our no dig/no till garden where we grow vegetables. We garden in zone 9a. Although we grow our veg from our back garden it is very much set up like allotment gardening UK – allotment life. Our passion is vegetable gardening, bigger harvests and no dig gardening. You will see how growing your own food is so easy

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  1. LOL, everybody knows the production staff does all the work and the on-air talent only shows up at the last minute to stand in front of the camera 🤣, right Mrs. W??

  2. Looks like perfect spring weather there Barry. The snow is finally gone here now and the ground is thawing out. The ground squirrels are looking for something to eat and I planted onion seedlings a few days ago…. they are under two layers of chicken wire. Fingers crossed! Pea seedlings are next…. need more chicken wire :). AND, a few days ago I opened the door to my greenhouse and a cabbage white floated out along with the hot air…. I have no idea where it was inside, it's been freezing every night for the last 5 months!

  3. Your upcoming video on nets and coverings is a great idea. It is so confusing to know what is best. Have you ever done a video on dealing with slugs?
    I share your enthusiasm for reusing/recyling things. It’s the only way to go.

    I am just about to put my peas out. Yours are much bigger than mine, but I’m sure I’ll have a good crop this year with home saved seeds. Broad beans coming on well. Strawberries thinking about growing but a bit slow.

    I must go up my hill and see if any carrots have germinated. So much to do and not enough time.

  4. I had a lot of trouble germinating peas too this year, still struggling to get the amount germinated that I needed. Glad to see someone is having more luck 🙂

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