Backyard Garden

Backyard Garden Tour // Food Forest Part 2

Part 2 of my Backyard Garden Tour in my Tropical Fruit Forest, showcasing all my different varieties of Fruit trees.

Featured trees are Grumichama, Kei Apple, Sour Sop, Santol, Achacha, Purple Mangosteen, Lemondrop Mangosteen, Madrono, Bakupari, Sapote, Plum Pine, Allspice, Lychee, Cherry of the Rio Grande, Macadamia Nut, Jujube, Mango, Abiu, Fraser Island Apple, Miracle Fruit, Carambola, Star Fruit, Blue Quandong, Coconut Tree, Malay Apple, Laulau, Wampi, Lemon Myrtle, Kwai Muk, Yellow Mangosteen, Curry Tree, Cranberry Hibiscus, Pomelo, Jackfruit, Star Gooseberry, Mandarin, Pecan.

I high density planted everything in ground 1 year ago and they have all adapted amazing into the soil. My block is only 605sq meters so I have jammed everything in quite compact. I do plan on keeping the trees to a smallish size, so I will be pruning constantly to keep vigorous growth in check.

None of the trees featured are over 3/4 years old, and I have already started harvesting a bit of fruit this year already 😀

Subscribe for more updates, as I am using this channel as a catalogue documenting the growth of my backyard. I also post video’s on planting, eating, cooking and some DIY building stuff in the backyard.

Plant a fruit tree.


  1. I have 4 kei apple trees and 1 fruited this year with 2 fruits only. They had the consistency of an apricot and definitely made me think I was eatting an apricot especially because the colour and furry skin os juat like an apricot. However they are extremely sour and have a bad taste. Very disappointing but i will probably keep them and see if next year the fruit is better

  2. Nice arrangement of tropical fruit trees and plants! Everything looks so healthy and refreshing, and so enjoyable to watch the tour👍and it is amazing all the trees grow so fast at your backyard!

  3. Hey Tim, love your fruit forest! I’m also in Brisbane and trying to grow some fruit trees in my backyard. We have a massive established mango tree which bats get at in summer. Just wondering what you do about bats and if they are a problem for you? I’m trying to work out how I can deter them. The mango tree is too big to net unfortunately.

  4. Very impress Tim, love your Tropical Fruit Forest, I can see the coconut tree is growing nicely. Gi you have been busy. The bird nest plant will grow very well under those big shade trees.

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